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4 Important Things to Know About Technology and Automation

4 Important Things to Know About Technology and Automation

About ten years ago, smart home systems looked like ultra-modern computers built into the wall, but they were inconvenient to use: to turn on the lights or open the curtains, you had to dig into the control panel and select the desired function. Agree, few people want to spend even a minute of their time just turning on the light, and this technique was very expensive. A lot has changed since then: automation systems have become easier to manage and use, and a suitable solution can be found for any wallet.

You can choose any type of system to simplify all these things and make the process of managing domestic appliances the way you find the most convenient. If you are not ready to connect the whole house for individual reasons, you can just try any other automated solutions like popular and ergonomic standing desks or smart beds.

What is a smart home and how does it work?

 “The concept of “smart home” today has different meanings. Someone considers a light bulb that can be controlled from an application on a smartphone or tablet to be a smart home, and someone considers a professional home automation system for climate, multimedia systems, security, and video surveillance. In fact, this is a set of devices and sensors for security, comfort, and control of household appliances, which combines one main controller into a system and allows you to control using voice, smartphones, and other gadgets and customize the system for a specific person.

As an example, consider the simplest version of a smart home: first, you need to connect the device to electricity and Wi-Fi. Next, the required number of smart sockets and smart switches is installed. The result is a simple smart home – and you can control lighting and household appliances using a smartphone or voice assistant.

Ease of use is the main criterion for choosing an automation system because the main task is to make your life more convenient.

I don’t know yet if I want a smart home, but I want to try it. Where do I start and what do I need to know?

Many experts believe that in this case, it is worth starting with simple systems and not investing in expensive professional options. Start with an automated desk, TV lift, or lighting. Install smart switches everywhere, and play with the ability to control the light on your phone. You can set scenarios, simulate the effect of presence when you are not at home, and turn off the light on the way to the car if you forgot to turn it off. You will definitely like it because a smart home is really very convenient. And voice control is fantastic!

It is important to know that there are such automation systems when you need to pre-make emergency exits and wires that can be connected to the right systems when you want them. While other experts in the industry believe that you should start with a meeting with a specialist, where you decide which features you need and which you don’t.

After installing the system, you can use your smart home using your phone, tablet, or voice assistants, both indoors and remotely, thousands of miles away. And the embedded scripts allow you to do nothing at all: for example, the system knows that you are returning home at nine in the evening, and by your arrival, it will turn on the warm floor, soft light, and music.

What could be the most interesting and unusual function of a smart home?

in general, the most advanced technology now is the identification of the owner of the house. For example, you want to go to the dacha in winter and that by the time you arrive there it would be warm, the lights would be on and the sauna would be heated. According to the geolocation in your smartphone, the smart home will understand that it is, say, an hour before you reach your destination, turn on all the necessary systems, and you will arrive at the house that is waiting for you.

What you need to know when choosing a smart home system

  • Different systems require different installations: sometimes it is enough to replace sockets and switches with smart ones, but a major overhaul may be required.
  • Automation systems are entirely dependent on electricity and the Internet.
  • A smart home can be controlled from a smartphone, tablet, or voice. For example, PLH actively uses smart speakers in its automation systems. You can turn on and off the lights, and control the curtains, music, TV, and temperature in the house, simply by saying your wishes to the speaker.
  • A smart home is not only a matter of convenience but also of health care. Pay attention to automated ventilation systems: they will provide clean air, heating, cooling, and humidity, which should be at least 40% year-round.
  • The PLH system can be programmed to pair lighting scenarios with specific music or news or weather reports.
  • The smart home system can be set up for children, for example, so that the child watches TV only at certain times.

You see, currently, the smart tech variety allows you to select and implement an automated solution you want. Just consider the most important nuances and facts before starting any smartening-up project for your abode.



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