Home Technology 4 Reasons Why You Need an SEO Audit

4 Reasons Why You Need an SEO Audit

4 Reasons Why You Need an SEO Audit

In the grand scheme of things, the internet hasn’t been around for long. Neither, for that matter, have search engines. But ever since they have, people have been looking for ways to use them advantageously.

Fast forward to today, Google holds over 85% of the search engine market share and is generally the face of the “worldwide web”.

There’s been plenty of time for digital marketers to try to figure out exactly what makes Google’s algorithm happy – largely thanks to the search evaluator guidelines that the big tech company publishes itself. Enough time even, for this niche field to get its own fancy name: Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO for short.

You might think that you can do a good enough job of optimizing your website for Google or other search engines. And maybe you can. But if you really want to give your pages the best chance to rank highly, you may need more in-depth analysis that can tell you exactly how you can improve.

That’s what a technical SEO audit can offer you. In this brief article, we’ll explain exactly what one can help you achieve.

#1. Correct technical faults

Search engine algorithms crawl your site prior to ranking, in order to better understand it. When they come across underlying issues with the architecture of your pages, they may not rank them as highly. By receiving a technical SEO audit, you’ll gain accurate knowledge of where the faults in your website lie, as well as how to correct them.

#2. Know which keywords you should focus on

It’s nice to know that your site ranks highly for certain keywords as is. However, chances are that you’re leaving some huge opportunities on the table. An SEO audit can tell you exactly which keywords have the highest volume in your niche as well as which secondary keywords or long-tail phrases you can home in on to get the edge on your competition. Sometimes you may need to order premium content, which is a great way to get quality keywords along with content that is written by expert writers for your blog or website

#3. Analyze your backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking signals that Google uses. Why? Similar to the way that social proof works in human dynamics, search engines view backlinks as endorsements from other reputable web pages. An SEO audit can tell you the volume and authority of your existing backlinks, allowing you to curate your backlinks so as to benefit your site most effectively.

#4. Beat the competition

The only thing more frustrating than not ranking well on Google is watching your competitors appear on page one. How can you replicate what they’re doing well and snatch up the opportunities that they’re missing? An SEO audit can give you the answers you need.

Have you taken an SEO audit before? Share the biggest benefit it brought to your website in the comments section.



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