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5 Tips to Make Better Photos on Your Smartphone

5 Tips to Make Better Photos on Your Smartphone

In the past, photography skills and picture quality were largely dependent on the type of camera that you used. While DSLRs and point-and-shoot cameras remain superior, smartphone cameras have evolved to be just as relevant as their traditional counterparts. Smartphone photography is now a field of its own, and smartphone cameras have become staples for both professionals and casual users. 

How to Take Better Smartphone Pictures

These days, most people reach for their smartphones when they want to take a quick snap – and for a good reason. The accessibility and ease of use of smartphone cameras make them the go-to choice for capturing moments you want to remember. However, you don’t have to be confined to your camera’s default settings. Here are five ways to amp your mobile photography game.

1. Find the Light

Good lighting is everything in photography. Proper lighting conditions not only brighten your pictures, they also add depth and character to your subject. Natural light is generally considered the best light source in photography. Unless you have the right equipment to manipulate light, photos you take indoors or under artificial light often look unflattering.

It’s also important to consider light placement and working around it according to your desired results. For instance, avoid placing your subject behind a light source unless you intend to get silhouette shots. Additionally, illuminating a person’s face from the side will yield a different portrait compared to shining light directly on their face. 

2. Follow the Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a principle that guides how you frame your subject and get the best composition for your photos. It works by visualizing a grid on top of the scene you plan to capture. The rule of thirds states that your subject should align with those grid lines or intersection points to create a balanced shot.

Most smartphone cameras can toggle the grid view, so this eases the process for you. But also keep in mind that this isn’t a hard and fast rule that applies to all situations. A different composition may work depending on the mood or feeling that you want your picture to evoke. 

3. Take Advantage of Your Phone’s Software

Smartphone cameras snap photos in JPEG format by default. But while this is great for everyday photos, you can raise the quality up a notch by shooting in RAW.

Taking pictures in RAW format gives you uncompressed images that retain the information from your camera’s sensor. This includes elements like contrast, saturation, and settings like shutter speed and aperture. All this information allows for more flexibility in editing your photos.

Most top-of-the-line smartphones, such as the iPhone, have this feature. It has its own RAW format dubbed ProRAW, which is present in the iPhone 12 lineup – more specifically, the iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max. 

4. Avoid Zooming In

Traditional cameras offer optical zoom, which uses the physical movement of the lens in magnifying the subject matter. In contrast, the digital zoom function on smartphones relies solely on software. This means that when you zoom in, the camera merely crops the shot to make the image appear closer.

This substantially reduces image quality, resulting in fewer pixels and loss of detail. If you want closer shots, the best solution is actually to move nearer to the subject. It would help preserve the quality of your photos.

5. Play Around with Apps and Other Features

One of the great things about shooting with your phone is the availability of tools and apps to tinker with. You don’t have to limit yourself to your smartphone’s built-in camera interface. If you find that it doesn’t meet your needs, you’re free to explore other apps to help you achieve your desired photos.

Many camera apps contain added features such as filters and effects to enhance your pictures. You can receive bonus content that boosts creativity and makes photography an overall better experience. If you like getting surprise perks, here are the best casino bonuses that you can obtain. 

Bottom Line

Smartphone cameras are designed to make photography easier and more convenient for everyone. For those looking to turn photography into a serious hobby, your smartphone is a fantastic device to start with. Learn how to apply the basics of photography using your phone, but don’t be afraid to experiment either. Take as many photos as you can to practice, and in no time at all, you’ll be able to shoot like a pro with your smartphone.



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