Home Technology 8 Electrical Safety Techniques Every Homeowner Should Know

8 Electrical Safety Techniques Every Homeowner Should Know

8 Electrical Safety Techniques Every Homeowner Should Know

We reside on a planet with apparatus, appliances, and mechanisms to make our daily existence easier and cozier.

Electricity assists in many ways. Some of them are:

  • It permits us to communicate and connect with others.
  • It helps in keeping us warm or cool.
  • It allows us to have warm meals at our tables.
  • It enables us to enjoy our entertainment appliances.

In essence, it plays a vital part in our lives. It has become a necessity for most of us. It would be impossible trying to imagine life without it.

Though it’s excellent in most parts, what many people forget is that it comes with dangers, such as massive destruction to properties, injuries, and it could be deadly as well.

Luckily, you can use it safely. The post below has more details.

What are the Risks Connected to Electricity?

The National Fire Protection Association noted ‘electrical’ as one of the top fire causes along with:

  • Candle
  • Cooking
  • Smoking
  • Heating

A quote from the NFPA website states that electricity assists in making our lives more comfortable. But, there are instances when we can take its possibility for fire-related dangers and power for granted.

In terms of electrocutions, US Consumer Product Safety Commissions reported that four hundred individuals are electrocuted at homes every year on average, with four individuals dying from these electrocution-connection accidents every week.

There are many causes of electrocution, from shock from faulty electrical things, contact to exposed electrical sources, incorrect wiring, and more. However, the extension cord with switch and escape electricity’s dangerous side.

Injuries resulting from electricity can be severe. In addition to electrocution, other common injuries linked to electricity are:

  • Heart failure- electrical shock may cause the heart to cease either permanently or temporarily.
  • Electrical burns- this skin burn occurs when the power comes in contact with the anatomy. Then current can move deep into the frame and result in injury to the tissues and organs.
  • Tissue and nerve damage- this may need extensive medical intervention. The harm can be irreversible as well.

Electrical Security Tips That You Should Learn

Whether you know how to handle electricity or you’re not so good with it, the suggestions below can help keep you and your loved ones safe for years to come:

1. Utilize the Right Wattage in all Your Devices and Fixtures

Using suitable bulbs can save you from any electrical-related problems. Check all your lamps, fixtures, devices, etc., and ensure that you’re using the suitable watts.

This is simple as the majority of the time, producers show the wattage in the stickers located in your instruments. If not, use sixty watts or less for light fixtures.

2. Beware Of Electricity Plus Water

Please note that you should never hold electrical mechanisms when your hands are wet as you’re welcoming an electrical shock to occur. This is a call to homeowners for care as most individuals frequently use hair dryers fresh from the shower.

Additionally, similar to outlets, your gadgets should be far away from the following:

  • Sinks
  • Shower
  • Aquariums
  • Plant pots
  • Bathtubs
  • And others.

3. Block Unused Outlets

Note every unused wall outlet in your home. They can be a severe threat to children if left unattended. You can hinder an unpleasant zap by innovatively arranging upholstery to block such outlets from view.

You could also use plastic inserts to conceal the outlets, which may even save power by hindering some cold drafts.

4. Avoid Overloading Outlets

If you spot discolored wall plates or flickering lights, that may be an indicator that you’ve overloaded an outlet in your home. To prevent this, lower the use of multi-outlet converters, and you should plug every significant gadget (like televisions and refrigerators) directly into a wall outlet.

5. Fix Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupters

As per the Electrical Safety Council International, arc faults cause more than twenty-thousand fires in US homes annually, injuring and killing hundreds of individuals.

Arc-fault circuit interrupters assist in preventing these kinds of fires. Hire a professional electrician to fix them in your home.

6. Cut the Power at all Times

Always cut the energy at the breaker box if you must handle electrical issues. Test to ensure that the switch, fixture, or outlet is shut off before you begin work. Afterward, plug something in, flip the button, and utilize a tester. It’ll take only several seconds to cut the energy and assess the circuit.

7. Don’t Use Extension Cords for Extended Durations

Extension cords are fine to use for short-lived jobs. But, you shouldn’t use them as a long-lasting fount of energy. Call an electrician and have them fix an outlet if you find that you’re constantly utilizing an extension cord in a room.

8. Know When to Call an Expert

Call a professional for assistance if you don’t know what to do. They can assist you in avoiding mistakes and accidents that could result in shocks or fires in the future.


Electricity is equally harmful as it is helpful. That doesn’t mean that you should stop using it, though. It’s the only motivation for you to be careful with it. No matter how insignificant an electrical issue may be and you don’t know how to handle it, never take matters into your hands. Use the tips above in your daily life today, and you’ll realize how simple it is to stay safe as you’re using electricity.



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