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A Guide on Temporary Storage Buildings

A Guide on Temporary Storage Buildings

These days, most people are opting for temporary storage buildings over permanent structures. The top reason why is because temporary structures are cheaper and take a shorter time to set up than permanent buildings. Temporary or semi-permanent structures can also be customized further and used for residential needs or offices.

If you’re planning to set up a temporary structure, this guide is for you. Herein, we will take an in-depth look at the main benefits of temporary structures. Besides that, we will also look at the most common types of temporary structures available on the market.

Benefits of Temporary Storage Buildings

At the top of the benefits list is the cost of setting up a temporary storage structure. Temporary buildings are built using prefabricated materials such as steel beams or industrial tents. Some of the temporary structures also can be set up on any type of surface.

Temporary structures set up using industrial tents are cheaper as you can opt to rent the tents if you’re only using them for a short while. The time needed to set up the structure is quite short, meaning that you will save plenty of cash on labor costs.

Another top benefit is that the temporary structures are fitted with energy-saving features. The structures are fitted with clear PVC roofing to let in plenty of light during the day. You can also have the walls padded with insulation material to make the building stay warm during the cold season.

When it comes to storage spaces, vertical and floor spaces are vital. Most temporary storage buildings can be as tall as 12 meters high. In addition, the buildings do not have any support beams running through the middles of the structure. This means that you get plenty of floor space without any obstacles. You can always check out Smart-Space for more info on the available structures and their sizes.

The buildings also fit with large windows and doors to allow adequate air supply. The buildings can be customized further with insulated walls to set up office spaces within. This aspect allows the owners to build a single structure that will handle multiple business operations.

Portability is also another significant benefit of these structures. This is always a plus for entrepreneurs setting up their businesses on leased land. You can easily pull the structure down and move it to a new location at no extra expense.

Types of Temporary Structures

The first type of storage structure is the steel storage building. These types of buildings are used to build storage structures used to store temperature-sensitive goods. They are fitted with a steel roof to help improve the structure’s insulation properties.

Steel framed storage structures are a solution for anyone looking for a permanent solution. They are easy to set up and cost less compared to brick-and-mortar buildings. The good thing about these structures is that you can have the design customized to meet your needs.

You can also opt to go with clear-span storage buildings, which offer the maximum amount of space. The buildings are fitted with PVC roofing to allow for adequate lighting. You can also have the walls insulated depending on what you’re planning to use the structure for.

The good thing about temporary storage buildings is that you can have the design customized depending on your needs. You can also rent the structure if you’re only planning to use it for a short while.

Bottom Line

Temporary storage structures offer plenty of benefits, which makes them a plus over brick-and-mortar houses. Besides being cheap and taking a short time to set up, owners can get the building custom-designed to their needs. The buildings can also be customized further and used for residential purposes.



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