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Alert for Windows 10 users: Latest March update will stop your PC from accessing internet


Microsoft has had a history of dodgy, unreliable Windows 10 updates for a while now with performance issues, battery issues and software problems. But this latest March update has a bug that’s going to do the worst thing possible for those working from home right now. The big in the latest update can stop your laptop or your PC from accessing the internet – that’s one thing you definitely do not want right now.

As Microsoft puts it – “Devices using a manual or auto-configured proxy, especially with a virtual private network (VPN), might show limited or no internet connection status in the Network Connectivity Status Indicator (NCSI) in the notification area. This might happen when connected or disconnected to a VPN or after changing state between the two. Devices with this issue might also have issues reaching the internet using applications that use WinHTTP or WinInet. Examples of apps that might be affected on devices in this state are as follows – Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Office, Office 365, Outlook, Internet Explorer 11, and some version of Microsoft Edge.”

Basically, the bug may slow down apps from accessing the internet or can prevent them from accessing the internet entirely. And right now, that’s a very bad thing because you are probably working from home due to the COVID-19 lockdown.

Also Read: Microsoft warns Windows users of a critical vulnerability that’s used for ‘limited targeted attacks’

If your laptop/PC is running Windows 10 version 1909, 1903, 1809, 1803, 1709 or Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 – you might face issues after the update.

Microsoft says that they are “working on a resolution and are targeting a Microsoft Catalog only release of an out-of-band update to resolve this issue by early April”. In the meantime, they suggest you restart your Windows 10 laptop/PC and hope that solves the problem. You can read more here.

While you cannot turn off updates on your Windows machine, what you can do is hold off on updating it for the time being. When there is a system update available, the PC/laptop prompts you to update it and most of us just click on it without thinking twice.

You have to be careful this time. If your Windows 10 system is requesting for a restart to install some updates that have been downloaded recently, just don’t do it. Leave your PC/Laptop on sleep or switched on. Just don’t restart it or shut it down at least till Microsoft releases a patch to fix this bug.

Also Read: Windows 10 bug is preventing PCs from falling asleep

That’s not it though, the ‘Restart this PC’ feature is also known to break and some versions of Avast and AVG antivirus will stop working. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections also might fail or timeout while connecting or attempting a resumption.

Microsoft could have just followed Google’s example and held off on updates at this crucial time when millions are working from home and relying heavily on both the software to pull them through and internet connectivity.




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