Home Technology Electric scooter vs E-bike vs E-board: Which is better?

Electric scooter vs E-bike vs E-board: Which is better?

Electric scooter vs E-bike vs E-board: Which is better?

The pandemic gave us a chance to explore ways to get around the city. Aside from public transport, many commuters have turned to personal transportation such as cars and bicycles. However, the streets have also seen a rise in electric vehicles, including electric scooters, e-bikes, and e-boards. In fact, e-bike retailers report a 60 to 100 per cent increase in demand during the pandemic lockdown in Australia. Since more people deem public transport unsafe, it’s only natural for commuters to turn to personal, micro-mobile transportation.

However, among electric scooters, e-bikes, and e-boards, which alternative personal transportation should you choose? Let’s compare each according to different qualities that most commuters look for.


All three types of electric vehicles offer convenience for commuters. For one, an electric scooter, e-bike, and e-board allow commuters to pass through traffic swiftly because of their very compact built. Moreover, since these light electric vehicles can ride on footpaths, they offer riders faster alternative routes.

However, in terms of portability, the e-board and electric scooter are better. After all, an e-board is just a flat board, and there are foldable electric scooters available. Their compact size makes them easier to store in public or at home. Moreover, e-boards have a minimum weight of 7 kg while some e-scooters weigh 12 kg. Depending on the model you get, you can carry them around anywhere, anytime. On the other hand, an e-bike is heavy and not foldable.


On average, e-bikes offer more range with most models offering 64 km to 160 km of range. Meanwhile, electric scooters provide an average of 25 km to 45 km. The e-board offers the least range with an average of 19 to 32 km. However, it’s important to note that many factors can cut or extend your range, such as battery size, speed, rider weight, terrain, and more.

Moreover, more e-bike, e-scooter, and e-board models are coming out with higher specs which can travel longer than their average range and performance. For example, the Mearth GTS Max electric scooter allows you to travel up to 100 km, the QWIC Urban Range e-bike claims to travel up to 177 km, and the Lacroix Nazaré Lonestar e-board can travel up to 97 km.


Due to regulation, e-bikes, e-scooters, and e-boards have an average maximum speed limit 25 mph. However, this speed can vary depending on your city, state, or country. It’s best to be aware of your area’s speed limit to avoid getting penalised.

However, in safe, controlled environments, you can override your speed limit and unlock your e-vehicles’ maximum speed. As of writing, the fastest electric scooter in the world is the Dualtron X which can travel up to 88.5 kph. Meanwhile, the world’s fastest e-bike is the SWIND EB-01 which can reach a max speed of 128 kph. On the other hand, one of the fastest e-boards that you can find is the Bioboards Plutonium, travelling up to 80 kph.


In terms of price, e-boards and e-scooters are more affordable than e-bikes. The lowest price you can find for e-boards costs around $200, while the cheapest decent e-scooters cost around $400. On the other hand, most entry-level e-bikes cost just slightly under $1,000. Of course, there are more expensive models of e-scooters and e-boards. However, these two e-vehicles offer a more budget-friendly starter price, especially for entry-level buyers.

While some budget-friendly e-scooters and e-boards offer good specs, it’s best to go with mid-range models. A great mid-range e-scooter is the Mearth S electric scooter, a lightweight and commuter-friendly scooter that costs $850. You can also find discounted prices of Mearth electric scooters at ScootCity. Meanwhile, the Teamgee H5 is a great mid-range e-board that costs $499.


It’s no secret that e-vehicles offer more savings. After all, you don’t need to worry about fuel costs anymore. However, unlike an electric car, an electric scooter, e-bike, and e-board can offer you more savings in the long run. For one, these options are far cheaper than an electric car. As previously discussed, you get a personal, mobile, and compact transport for less than $1000.

Moreover, e-scooters, e-bikes, and e-boards rarely need any maintenance as long as riders care for the e-vehicles well. These compact vehicles also allow you to save on parking space as you can bring them along. Parking for bicycles also usually don’t have fees. Eliminating maintenance, fuel, and parking fees, among others, allow you to save more compared to electric cars.


Although laws require riders to wear proper safety gear when riding e-bikes, e-boards, and electric scooters in Australia and most parts of the world, e-bikes and electric scooters offer more safety than e-boards. After all, e-bikes and e-scooters have handles which provide more support and balance for riders, especially when braking.

Environmental Impact

Lastly, how do these e-vehicles impact the environment? After all, these vehicles claim to be eco-friendly. Ultimately, e-bikes, e-scooters, and e-boards do not emit harmful gas emissions into the air since they don’t need fuel to run. Using more of these on the road will reduce the greenhouse gases significantly in the long run. Moreover, some e-vehicles are made of sustainable or recycled material, making them eco-friendly even after being discarded.

Which is better?

Electric scooterE-bikeE-board
⚈ Portable
⚈ Safe
⚈ Better range
⚈ Fast speeds
⚈ Affordable
⚈ Offers better savings
⚈ No carbon emissions
⚈ Not as portable
⚈ Safe
⚈ Better range
⚈ Fast speeds
⚈ Slightly expensive
⚈ Offers better savings
⚈ No carbon emissions
⚈ Very Portable
⚈ Not so safe
⚈ Decent range
⚈ Decent speed
⚈ More affordable
⚈ Offers better savings
⚈ No carbon emissions

We can see that each electric vehicle has its own pros and cons. However, it’s worth pointing out that electric scooters are more balanced. It’s portable, safe, has decent performance, affordable, and eco-friendly. The e-bike and e-board lack in certain areas which the e-scooter fills. Ultimately, the best electric vehicle for you is one that fits your lifestyle. So, study these vehicles carefully before purchasing them so you can maximise their benefits!



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