Home Technology Facebook, Instagram reduce video quality to deal with internet overload

Facebook, Instagram reduce video quality to deal with internet overload


With more and more countries enforcing lockdown to deal with the spread of coronavirus, internet use is surging to unprecedented levels. To deal with this load on internet infrastructure and to conserve bandwidth, Facebook has announced that they will be reducing bit rates for videos on Facebook and Instagram in India, Europe and Latin America over this peak period.

Also Read: Facebook lowers video quality in Latin America to deal with internet load

The company announced today that this step is being taken to help “users and community handle bandwidth constraints and keep in touch”. “We are working hard to make sure our infrastructure remains fast, reliable, and stable during this period,” Facebook said.

Also Read: COAI asks Netflix, Hotstar, other OTTs to lower streaming quality to reduce internet overload

“To help alleviate any potential network congestion, we will temporarily reduce bit rates for videos on Facebook and Instagram in India. We are committed to working with our partners to manage any bandwidth constraints during this period of heavy demand, while also ensuring people are able to remain connected using Facebook apps and services during the COVID-19 pandemic,”said a spokesperson from Facebook.

Facebook isn’t the only company that has decided to lower bit rates of internet content. Netflix announced today that they will be reducing streaming quality in India after enforcing it in Europe.

Also Read: Netflix reduces streaming quality for Indian users amid Covid-19 lockdown

Netflix said the move will help reduce its traffic on the telecommunication networks in India by 25%. However, for Netflix users, this does not mean that you won’t get HD content, here’s what it actually means.




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