Home Technology What is an Industrial Chiller and How Does It Work?

What is an Industrial Chiller and How Does It Work?

What is an Industrial Chiller and How Does It Work?

In the industrial field, companies use chillers, refrigerating machines that have the purpose of significantly lowering temperatures by exploiting refrigerant gasses. These devices are used above all in large industries because they need to reach high temperatures during various production processes. In this case, an industrial cooler is able to offer very powerful cooling compared to other more traditional machines. Industrial chillers must be continuously monitored by professionals, they must be placed in safe spaces and follow very precise rules. 

They are dangerous devices that must be placed at a certain distance from employees and in strategic places. Their operation may seem complex to understand, but in reality, it is very simple and intuitive, despite the fact that chillers are complex devices to manage. They must be checked by qualified personnel who know how the different machines are made and are able to change the pieces that do not work and to make an evaluation in case something does not work. But what exactly is a chiller? How does it work and how can it be useful in industries?

📌 What is a chiller?

The chiller is also called a chiller or refrigeration unit, there are different types and sizes and they vary depending on the manufacturer. However, there is one feature that all chillers have in common, namely that it is always made up of a series of separate machines that work in synergy to refrigerate the environment. In some cases, there is the possibility of combining them with heat exchangers, devices with which an exchange of thermal energy can be obtained between two fluids with different temperatures. Exchangers are fundamental, because they receive and give thermal energy, thus creating a constant variable in the thermodynamic cycle.

A chiller is made up of several machines and can vary according to the model you purchase, but in general the most important are: the compressor, the condenser and the machinery that deals with evaporation. Obviously, the exchange of thermal energy that takes place between the fluids has a considerable price in energy terms, especially in industrial contexts. A chiller is a demanding machine because it is composed of several elements and the most complex is certainly the compressor. However, consumption varies according to various factors such as the temperature of the fluid emitted and the room temperature. The variation of these factors greatly affects consumption, the problem is that the situation is not easy to manage since the temperatures can be really high due to the phenomenon of condensation and evaporation. When deciding to install a chiller, the expense due to energy consumption must be taken into consideration.

📌 Different types of industrial chillers

Chillers are not all the same, on the contrary, they can have very different characteristics and work differently. Before buying such an important appliance, you need to understand what it is for, in which environment it must be inserted and what its use must be. Chillers are mainly divided into two broad categories:

  • water cooler
  • air cooler

These two models are distinguished by the characteristics and processes they are able to offer. Water-cooled chillers work via the water exchanger, which ensures optimum condensation of the refrigerant gas. Air-cooled chillers, on the other hand, exploit the air and this involves greater energy expenditure and more noise since a ventilation system is used to ensure constant air circulation.

However, the choice between the two models is not so obvious, it depends on the situation. For example, it does not make sense to install a water cooler in places where it is not possible to have the necessary amount of water: it is not very productive and also disadvantageous in economic terms. Both environmental and production aspects must be taken into consideration. The chiller can offer significant reductions in temperature, even reaching -30 ° C. It is not always necessary to reach this kind of temperature, but this extreme limit explains why chillers are powerful and useful, especially in very large contexts. Each company should evaluate its needs one and the results they expect to obtain, so as to be able to install a special system that allows them to consume as little energy as possible, even if it is not simple.

The advice is to rely on a company specialized in industrial chillers, which can take care not only of the installation but also of the maintenance of the appliances. Since they are very complex instruments, companies must carry out frequent reviews, pay attention to the positioning of the device and comply with the regulations. Not all workplaces are ready to house appliances such as chillers, so an assessment of the place should also be made before installing them. In very large industries, more than one chiller may be needed, while in small places just one may be enough, it depends on how the workplace is structured and how much power is needed. Some industries cannot work without a chiller, so it is best to invest in a quality and powerful product, which ensures good results and consistent production.



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