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How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Telegram? What Factors to Consider

How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Telegram? What Factors to Consider

Telegram advertising is one of the best ways of business promotion. People use Telegram channels to trade and communicate. If your channel is promoted, a great number of people will know about it and buy your products. The most popular brands choose to advertise on Telegram. You can use a Telegram ads platform like Telega.io. It can help you buy a paid ad in the channel you need. Telega.io will help you define your targeted audience and the necessary topic of the channel.

How much does it cost to buy Telegram ads? The average cost is from 10 to 1000 dollars. This depends on the popularity of the channel you use. There are also other factors to consider.

1. Location

Like other services, the Telegram ads platform is more expensive in developed countries. If you choose developing regions, advertising will be cheaper.

2. Time

When you buy ads on Telegram, you pay for hours. So, the price directly depends on how much time you choose. You can order only for several hours. Or, if you pay more, you can order 24 hours and more.

3. Popularity of the channel

The price also depends on the number of subscribers of a channel. The most famous channels charge high prices. If you order ads in small communities, they will be cheap yet ineffective.

4. The number of views

One of the most important factors in engagement. This means that people view the posts and comment on them. If the channel has a lot of subscribers, yet few views, you should not advertise on it. You will not get a lot of customers. The reason is that a small number of people will see your ads and get interested.

To get a good conversion, you should choose the best Telegram channels. The channel you order should have more than 10000 subscribers. They should be engaged by more than 10 percent. It would be better to choose channels with temporary posts. This means that after the stated period of time, your post will be deleted. It created more engagement and a desire to see your products.

Remember that the channel should engage your targeted audience. The topic of this group should coincide with your services. People who are not interested in the irrelevant topic will not go to your channel. So, you will waste your money.

The Best Telegram Ads Platform

To choose the appropriate Telegram channel, you can use a Telegram advertising platform. One of the best platforms is Telega.io. Their website has an in-built analytics tool. So, you can find the most popular channels with your topic. You will understand your targeted audience and arrange channels depending on their members.

Telega.io is available for people who want to advertise their products. It also provides its services for channel owners. In the company, you can buy a Telegram ad on the appropriate channel. You will not need to find the channel by hand. The company will find it and create the most effective ad.

On the website, you can find the list of existing Telegram channels and Telegram bots. If you need an efficient Telegram bot, you can also order it from the company. It will be best programmed and exercise its functions. With a bot, customers can ask you questions or make comments. Bots are also useful for clients to order services automatically.

You can also use filters in the analytics tool to find the channel you need. There is a searching line you can use to find the channel by name. The service checks channel by hand and analyses the information. This lets it arrange the channels the most exactly.

Another method of advertising in Telegram is to send direct messages to people. In this advertising method, you are sure that the advertising message you send is 100% read and attracts the audience’s attention because receiving a direct message always arouses people’s curiosity to read the received message and see who sent it to them; Therefore, no one receives a direct message in Telegram without opening it! As a result, it is obvious that if you manage to send bulk messages to strangers on Telegram, you can experience an effective and efficient advertising campaign. But the problem is that sending a large number of direct messages to strangers on Telegram is not easily possible, and if you have decided to advertise your business this way, there is a comprehensive article available on the Virtual-User website about the various methods of advertising in Telegram, which we suggest that you read.



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