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“If you can survive the lockdown with someone, marry them!” say Arjun Kanungo and Carla Dennis

“If you can survive the lockdown with someone, marry them!” say Arjun Kanungo and Carla Dennis

“If you can survive the lockdown with someone, marry them!” says actor and musician Arjun Kanungo, who announced his engagement to his girlfriend of five years, model Carla Dennis. Interestingly, the couple has also experienced the Covid cycle together. “The outcome would have been very different had we not had each other,” they tell us on a Zoom call.

They don’t have an anniversary date (because that’s what happens when you start dating your best friend!) and when asked about where their wedding plans are taking them, they say Carla’s home town, Cape Town, or Japan, a place where they connected. “A small wedding but a big party back home in India, of course,” they add.

Describe your partner’s me-time.

Arjun: Chilling with her friends and watching TV shows without me!

Carla: Shows like Emily in Paris

Arjun: Yes, I appreciate that she doesn’t make me watch it with her!

What’s the best thing about being a musician and a digital content creator,in India?

Arjun: The plethora and diversity of music in India.

Carla: It’s nice to be able to reach an audience about crucial topics that we usually avoid.

What do you admire about your partner’s work ethic?

Carla: I love that he’s so focussed and goal-driven.

Arjun: It’s funny how she makes shortcomings sound like a good thing!

One relationship rule you always follow…?

Carla: Never ever go to sleep angry.

And a Health Shot you two swear by…?

Carla: Working out together.

Arjun is the one who pushes.

Arjun: And she ensures I don’t binge on carbs. I have a sweet tooth and I’ll be about to put a piece of chocolate in my mouth, and her hand will suddenly appear and slap it away!

What’s your love language?

Carla: Food.

One annoying habit you find endearing about one another…?

Arjun: She can’t sleep if the cupboard doors are open. Now I find it cute, so I do it on purpose to annoy her.

{ Bedside stories }

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Arjun: Drink coffee, with some almond milk.

Carla: Mine is black.

Which is your preferred side of the bed?

Arjun: Right. Even while walking on the road, I will manoeuvre her to the left so that traffic is on my side!

Carla: So, now I sleep on the left side.

What is your perfect idea of breakfast in bed? Carla: Scrambled egg with coffee and some granola with yoghurt.

Arjun: Same.

What do you wear to bed?

Arjun: I was always in ratty T-shirts with holes, which shocked Carla! (laughs)

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From HT Brunch, December 13, 2020

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