Home Technology Men’s style and grooming by Yatan Ahluwalia: How to look younger

Men’s style and grooming by Yatan Ahluwalia: How to look younger



1.The style

While the choice of your hairstyle remains and should be a personal decision, I have often found short hair works best on mature men. Keeping the hair very short on the sides and back makes the centre and top appear fuller, thicker and denser. This creates a visual illusion that makes you appear both brighter and younger.

If you have medium-length hair, style the hair with a comb to make it appear neat. Use the strands to cover any spots where the hair is thinner or missing. If you want to make your face appear slim and long, as well as cover your receding hairline, then allow a few strands to fall over the forehead.

If you have long hair (like the model in the picture) then avoid pulling it back into a tight ponytail, as this will make your forehead appear wider and scantier. Instead, keep the hair open – allowing the strands to take their natural curly shape and form. Play with the strands to cover the forehead and sides.

2.Colour and care

If you prefer to age gracefully, you may avoid using hair colour altogether. A few visible strands of grey may just make you look more dignified. Most women, I know prefer a man who has a few shades of grey – some even tell me grey hair on men, makes them look sexier! Take their word for it, if not mine!

If you do decide to colour, choose a shade like dark brown over black. It will always look more real and natural. There’s nothing worse than a charcoal black block of hair, against skin that may not look that naturally young anymore.

Oil your hair for a few hours or overnight about once a week. You may also use a hair mask or a hair serum. Use a trusted natural shampoo and conditioner to remove the oil completely, so the pores can breathe. Keeping your hair coated with oil will block the pores and prevent or slow down the natural growth of your hair.

  • Hair: Long and naturally curly with a few white strands. No hair colour used. Styled by making the hair slightly damp to tame the curls using nothing but water and fingers.
  • Skin: We used the organic and natural handmade face masque by Valley View Organic for deep pore-cleaning and to tighten the skin, then applied a few drops of anti-ageing serum by Homemade by Nina to nourish and condition the skin.
  • Face: Beard trimmed using the Andis shaver a day before.
  • Brows: Thick and bushy. We trimmed the centre, ends and length, to make them look naturally well groomed.
  • Lips: Clean and buffed.

Facial hair

3.The brows

Your eyebrows can drastically change and alter the shape of your face. Instead of leaving them unchecked, make it a point to trim the ends and clean the centre.

When the outer ends are higher than the inner ends, your jawline looks sharper and the face will look more angular than round. Trim the long hair using a scissor, so the shape looks neat and you don’t have strands that are out of place.

Repeat the process either monthly, or once every 15 days – depending on the growth of your hair.

4.Moustaches and beards

Let me be blunt – facial hair, especially moustaches and beards have nothing to do with masculinity. The only thing they do is actually add a few years to your face and look.

Read between the lines – clean shaved men don’t just look younger and fresher, but they actually appear more trustworthy, approachable and desirable.

Since almost everyone these days is sporting a beard or moustache or both, it would be a good idea to go under the clipper (or razor) and get rid of it for good, unless of course it’s something that defines you and you really can’t live without. Though personally, I really doubt that’s true.


5.The under-eyes

Nothing works better for dark circles than drinking plenty of water and getting eight hours of sound, restful sleep.

While water intake capacity can vary from person to person, I suggest to try and drink about four litres of water a day to keep the under eyes clean and the skin looking well-hydrated.

My tried and tested remedy is to wake up and drink a glass of warm water with some freshly squeezed lime juice and dash of good organic and pure honey. Do this daily or for at least 15 days at a stretch to see visible changes and positive results. Especially recommended if you party hard or have been binge drinking the previous night.


6.Sagging skin and large pores

While women have the advantage to use make-up to cover and conceal, with us men – what you see is what you get. I therefore always insist we need to follow a regular skin care regime that keeps our skin looking clean, well maintained and as fresh as possible.

Using a clay-based natural face mask will help tighten the skin, especially when used along the jawline and neck. This prevents the skin from sagging around these areas and can help reduce signs of a visible double chin and unwanted folds.

A clay-based face mask gets into the pores to clean, thus reducing the width of the pores and make them appear smaller.


Nourish the skin using a water-based moisturiser (for oily skin) or an oil based facial serum (for dry skin) every night on a clean face.

If you have the time and patience, mash a slice of (organic) mango or papaya and apply this on your face for a few minutes. The fruit will nourish and condition the skin. If you have very dry skin, you may add some cream derived from full fat milk.

Internally, try and consume as much of fresh fruit or steamed vegetables as possible. What we eat – shows on our face. Good skin isn’t always achieved in the salon, but also in your kitchen. A diet that is low on sugar and fat and rich in Vitamin A, C and Iron, is advised.


Avoid using harsh or medicated soaps and opt for light and natural formulations. Homemade and handmade natural soaps are your best bet. As our skin ages, the products we use on them should be milder and as chemical free as possible. Our skin has a pH of about 5 and it’s important to maintain this level. Read product labels, which may list a specific pH or say “pH balanced” or “pH neutral”.

Use an astringent or toner twice a week to remove the excessive oil and grime from the skins surface. You could also use pure rose water instead.

Apply an effective face scrub about twice a week to make the face appear buffed and polished and to keep it free of dead, dry and flaky skin.

9.Sun – spots and dark lips

While the sun is good for both your body and skin, over exposure can age the skin faster than it should and result in dark spots and pigmentation issues. I recommend a good sunscreen with a SPF of 50 or higher. Try and opt for an oil free formulation, so it does not feel sticky or oily when used.

Remove visible dark marks, by applying a freshly cut lemon over the affected area.

Use a lip balm made with natural beeswax every night, before you go to bed. Highly recommended if you have naturally dry or chapped lips or smokers’ stains.

10.Lines and wrinkles

Crow’s feet or fine lines around the eyes can be treated by using an eye serum on a regular basis.

Laugh lines or the lines under our nose and around the lips can be reduced by using a heavy-duty coco butter-based face cream daily. Products that boost or contain collagen and elastin are always a good option.

Lines on the body, especially the fold areas and your backside are best addressed by applying a rich body lotion, before you go to bed. Choose a product that is light and non-greasy.

My pick of the 5 best anti-ageing grooming products:

1.Organic skin mask by Valley View Organic

Made with organic leaves and herbs this clay-based mask does wonders for dull skin, making it appear both fresher and firmer.

2.Vitamin C glow sheet mask by The Body Shop

Enriched with Vitamin C this peel off mask nourishes and conditions the skin.

3.Youth bouncy sleeping mask by The Body Shop

This leave on mask is vegan and made with flower and natural extracts. Works on your skin, while you sleep.

4.Verdic Elexir 8 in 1 rejuvenating facial oil by Nourish Mantra.

This ultra-rich face oil is rich in Cannabis seed oil and adds moisture and hydration to dry and lifeless skin.

5.Serum for healthy hair by Homemade by Nina

This all-natural mix of essential oils with Black seeds oil as a key ingredient is extremely effective for nourishing and conditioning the hair.

The author is an image, style and grooming consultant and trainer

From HT Brunch, July 19, 2020

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