Home Technology “My cat decides most things in my house,” says designer Nida Mahmood

“My cat decides most things in my house,” says designer Nida Mahmood

“My cat decides most things in my house,” says designer Nida Mahmood

Mr Toffee Tinkerbell, the cat, decides the side of the bed Nida Mahmood gets to keep for the night. “Sometimes I feel I just sublet from him,” says the Lucknow-born fashion designer, who is known for her quirky aesthetic. And when we catch her playing with her pet in bed, Nida also tells us the one dream that she constantly saw as a child. “As a little girl I’d often dream about trying out all kinds of shoes. I’m told, every time my parents would buy me new shoes, I’d keep them next to my pillow and sleep.”

List three things nobody knows about you. 

That I was the first designer who dared to break the convention and draped saris over jeans. Also, the first designer to bring people from the streets of India to the runway. And that I’m like Monica (from Friends) when it comes to cleanliness!

What’s the best thing about fashion? 

That it is volatile and vivacious.

One relationship rule you always follow…?

Give it your all.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

I can’t stand messiness of any kind.

A lie you tell often…?

That I’m not growing older!

And your guilty pleasure would be?


A Health Shot for our readers?

I drink loads of ginger and raw turmeric- infused hot water.

Finally, describe yourself in a hashtag.


{ Bedside stories }

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

I smother Mr Toffee Tinkerbell with a thousand kisses till he runs off!

And the last person you text goodnight to…?

I squish and kiss my adorable kitty goodnight!

What is your perfect idea of breakfast in bed?

A big mug of my ginger-turmeric hot water, a cup of fruit yoghurt and maybe a butter croissant.

What do you wear to bed?

Comfy shorts and a loose tee.

What’s on your bedside table?

A scented candle, moisturiser and a lip balm.

{ This or that? }

Instagram or Twitter?

Most certainly Instagram

Beaches or Mountains?


Fashion weeks or store launches?

Fashion weeks

Models or celebrity showstoppers?

Definitely, models

Money or fame?


From HT Brunch, November 22, 2020

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