Home Technology Nearly 20000 Employees Tested COVID-19 Positive Since Pandemic Started in March, Says...

Nearly 20000 Employees Tested COVID-19 Positive Since Pandemic Started in March, Says Amazon


New Delhi: Tech giant Amazon on Friday said that nearly 20,000 of its employees tested positive for Coronavirus since the pandemic started taking foothold in March. Also Read – KXIP vs MI 2020 IPL: Kieron Pollard on Batting With Hardik Pandya in Death Overs, Says Sky is The Limit in Last Four Overs

“Since the beginning of this crisis, we’ve worked hard to keep our employees informed, notifying them of every new case in their building,” AFP quoted Amazon as saying in a blog post. Also Read – Donald Trump Undergoes COVID-19 Test After His Close Advisor Infected, Results Awaited

The data comes at a time when some of its workers have criticized the company for its failure to protect them from the pandemic. The workers have also called out the tech giant for its reluctance to share information about colleagues getting infected. Also Read – Hathras Gangrape Case: Dalit Woman Mentioned Rape Week After The Incident, Claims UP Police



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