Home Technology “Only the right attitude can take one so far,” says Pernia Qureshi

“Only the right attitude can take one so far,” says Pernia Qureshi

“Only the right attitude can take one so far,” says Pernia Qureshi

Did you know the fashion entrepreneur and stylist, who rose to fame with her work for the Sonam Kapoor-starrer movie Aisha, wanted to pursue criminal justice and was planning to go to law school? She also dabbled as an intern at Cosmo India and the US editions of Elle and Harper’s Bazaar in New York. That’s where she picked up all her nuances of fashion or as she likes to say, “paid her dues by ironing nearly 2000 garments every week, before making fashion her career for the past 10 years.” All this because she believes “only the right attitude can take one so far!” ­

If you had to describe yourself in a hashtag, what would that be?


Three things very few people know about you

I began learning classical dance when I was 4; contrary to popular belief, I started training in Kathak before switching to Kuchipudi; I stole 30 choco-chip cookies on my last day of internship at Harper’s Bazaar in New York.

One relationship rule you always follow

Be 100 per cent genuine.

What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to fashion?

Fashion victims, label w*ores and crocs.

Best thing about fashion?

Discovering who you are through what you wear.

A book you love to read again and again…?

Sadly, I haven’t been reading much lately but I used to love Love in the Time of Cholera

Which podcast do you always listen to?

Lately, my interview with WeWork on Spotify.

And, a Health Shot you swear by…?

An apple a day…

{ Bedside stories}

Last person you text or say goodnight to…

I say it in person to my husband

The first thing you do after waking up?

Check the time

One thing always on your bedside table?

Bottles of water

What’s your perfect idea of breakfast in bed?

Truffle eggs and croissants

What do you wear to bed?

Anything from my husband’s wardrobe-shirts-to cotton PJs to something pretty

{ This or that }

Kuchipudi stage performances or store launches?

Kuchipudi stage performances

Big party or small gathering?

Small gathering

Saanchi Gilani- the stylist or the sister-in-law?

Saanchi, my friend

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From HT Brunch, November 8, 2020

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