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Personal agenda: “The sexiest quality in a man is his chivalry,” says Divyanka Tripathi

  • Date of birth: December 14
  • Sun Sign: Sagittarius
  • Place of birth: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • First break : My first big break was Banoo Main Teri Dulhann (2006), that was aired on Zee TV

What’s the last show you binge-watched?
You and Designated Survivor.

Who was your first celebrity crush?
Christopher Reeve (Superman). I have always loved him and I will always love him, but now after Vivek (Dahiya, her husband) of course!

And the most bizarre style trend you’ve tried is…?
The ’70s retro look, with all the tassels and fringes!

What’s that one thing you got scolded for the most while growing up?
I was always scolded by my parents for not wearing slippers at home and the trend still continues as my husband too scolds me for the very same thing!

What’s the most romantic thing [husband] Vivek has done for you?
On my last birthday, he organised a game where every hour he made me pick up a chit, and I got the surprise gifts scribbled on them.

And something that you only discovered about him after you got married…?
Vivek is someone who can fall asleep at the count of three. Now that’s quite an art.

List one trait that makes a man super sexy to you.
His chivalry.

If you are home alone, what are you most likely to be caught doing?
Either cleaning or Netflix-ing!

Describe your typical, lazy Sunday.
Being an actor I don’t get Sundays off. But on my day off, I like to spend quality time with my husband. If he isn’t around, then I like pampering myself at the spa. And if we are with our family, then we go out for long drives and short trips.

If you were a television show, what would you title it as?
Pyaar do pyaar lo..!

  • Comfort Foods: Dal baati churma, and hot chocolate
  • Holiday destination: Switzerland
  • Side of the bed: Left
  • Show: Sherlock Holmes
  • Favourite film: Godfather (1972)

From HT Brunch, June 28, 2020

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