Home Technology Personal Agenda with Sayantani Ghosh: “I’d right swipe Bradley cooper on Tinder”

Personal Agenda with Sayantani Ghosh: “I’d right swipe Bradley cooper on Tinder”


If not an actress, what would you have been?

A journalist!

What’s the last show you binge-watched?

The Crown.

  • Date of birth: September 6
  • Sunsign: Virgo
  • Place of birth: Kolkata
  • School/College: St. Teresa’s Secondary School/MP Birla Foundation H.S School, Kolkata
  • First break: Kumkum – Pyara Sa Bandhan (2002)

And the last thing you googled…?

The current status of the global pandemic and the plane crash in Kerala.

What’s the best thing about theatre?

Performing in front of a live audience. As there are no retakes, it makes you push yourself harder.

And the funniest thing someone’s said to you on social media…?

Distortions of my name are always funny. Someone called me Sayantani Gosht, which literally means Sayantani Meat!

How do you handle trolls?

It’s best to ignore them. But if I feel the need, I give them a piece of my mind!

If you were on Tinder, who would you swipe right?

Bradley Cooper.

List three things you look for in a man.

Someone who accepts me for who I am, respects women in every manner, and smells great!

And one relationship rule that you always follow…?

I try not to get my ego in between and most importantly, live and let live.

Name a book that inspires you.

The More Of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own by Joshua Becker. It’s a fantastic book on “minimalism”.

  • Most used app: WhatsApp
  • Password protected app: My entire phone is password protected!
  • Most rewatched on YouTube: A lot of my own dance videos
  • Favourite filter on Insta: Black and white
  • Last instagram post: An anniversary video with Anugrah Tiwari

If you were to cheat on your diet, what would you gorge on?

Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!

How do you de-stress?

I love going to the spa for a massage.

From HT Brunch, August 16, 2020

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