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Rumor Mill Can Take A Break: Apple Confirms 2020 iPhones Will Not Arrive In September

Rumor Mill Can Take A Break: Apple Confirms 2020 iPhones Will Not Arrive In September

Apple has confirmed that it will be launching the 2020 line-up of the Apple iPhones a bit later this year. Instead of the September launch as it happened in the previous years, Apple says the new iPhone line-up will be delayed by a few weeks. This confirmation came as Apple reported the Q3 2020 results. The company posted quarterly revenue of $59.7 billion, which is an increase of 11 percent from the same quarter a year ago. Apple says they saw double digit growth in the June quarter for Products and Services.

It is not clear whether the delay in the launch of the iPhone line-up for 2020 is because of supply delays or logistical constraints. “Last year we started selling new iPhones in late September, this year we expect supply to be available a few weeks later,” said Apple CFO Luca Maestri, during the earnings call. Earlier this week, chipmaker Qualcomm during their quarterly earnings call had also hinted at delays when they said phones expected to launch around September this year may now be delayed as far as December.

More iPhones were sold in the Q3 2020 period, clocking $26.41 million in net sales, up from $25.98 million in same quarter last year

Apple and Qualcomm made peace last year after a long-drawn legal battle which ended with a $4.5 billion settlement. That means Qualcomm will again supply 5G modems for the next line-up of 5G capable iPhones. It is expected that some, if not all, of the 2020 line-up of Apple iPhones will use Qualcomm’s 5G modems.

Apple usually launches the annual line-up of iPhones in September, and ships devices to certain parts of the world before the end of the month. As of this moment, it isn’t clear whether Apple is indicating at delayed shipping or a delayed launch itself. Apple may very well go ahead with unveiling the iPhones in September as usual, but shipping may be delayed into October or beyond.

During the quarterly earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook also spoke about Apple’s new $100 million Racial Equity and Justice Initiative as well as commitment to be carbon neutral by the year 2030. “We’re living the principle that what we make and do should create opportunity and leave the world better than we found it,” he said.

During Q3 2020, which was largely impacted by the COVID, or Coronavirus pandemic, Apple says they clocked a significant increase in revenue from products and services. Apple’s net product sales, which includes iPhones and the Mac line-up of computing devices, as well as services including Apple Music and iCloud, clocked $59.68 million in sales, up from $53.8 million in the same quarter last year.

More iPhones were sold in the Q3 2020 period, clocking $26.41 million in net sales, up from $25.98 million in same quarter last year. Macs also saw a surge in sales clocking $7.07 million in total sales, up from $5.82 million. The iPads, wearables, home accessories and services all saw a significant increase in sales as well in the quarter.

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