Home Technology Social media star of the week: Mister Tikku

Social media star of the week: Mister Tikku

Social media star of the week: Mister Tikku

Meet Gurpreet Singh Tikku, or @mistertikku on Instagram, who has been chosen Social Media Star Of The Week for successfully completing his #ServerNahiStarSeries on Instagram last month. People photograph food in restaurants, Mister Tikku chose to give the waiters the spotlight!

“I have always addressed servers by their name and suffixed it with a bhai or bhaiyya,” says the jovial Delhiite who is in the food business himself. “I think servers are the true face of any restaurant. They are the people we interact with, not the owners or the chefs.”

Tikku clicked a young waiter sporting his first moustache balancing five heavy plates at Kesar Da Dhaba

Tikku’s photos include one of a young man sporting his first moustache, skillfully balancing five heavy plates of dal-roti-chana at Kesar Da Dhaba, and another of a waiter wearing a waist coat, a fez and a benign smile, balancing five plates of rotis, and two plates of nihari curry with the ease of a superhero.

“Every picture is from places where i had a meal. Thanks to this award, i’m happy that the increase in my waist hasn’t gone waste!” —Gurpreet Singh Tikku

“I shot the latter by chance when I went to the handwash area in the Bundoo Khan restaurant at the Global Village in Dubai,” says Tikku. “When I noticed this server dressed in a green Pathani suit and wearing a traditional Sindhi cap, his hands filled with lots and lots of plates of food, I could not resist clicking him.”

Tikku has a following of almost 21K on Instagram and it is clear that his sense of humour is the real star. “People call me Smile Spreader,” he says, “But when they’re angry with me, they call me GST… What can I do if my initials are the same as a taxation scheme?!!”

His next series will be called #FoodWalas, which he hopes to convert into a book. “Since every picture in the #ServerNahiStarSeries is from places where I had a meal, thanks to this award from , I’m happy to say that the increase in my waist has not gone waste!” he says.

Who should be the next HT Brunch Social Media Star Of The Week? Nominate using the hashtag #BrunchSocialMediaStarOTW or email htbrunch@hindustantimes.com

Follow @JamalShaikh on Twitter and Instagram

From HT Brunch, October 18, 2020

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