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Tiktok Latest Update: Rs 1,499 Crore ‘Creator Fund’ Unveiled to Help Creators Earn Livelihood

Tiktok Latest Update: Rs 1,499 Crore ‘Creator Fund’ Unveiled to Help Creators Earn Livelihood

New Delhi: TikTok (one of the banned apps) unveiled a $ 200 million (Rs 1,499 crores) ‘creator fund’, in a bid to help top creators earn their livelihood. Vanessa Pappas, general manager of TikTok US said that the new US fund aimed at helping and supporting ambitious creators who are seeking opportunities to foster a livelihood through their innovative content. Also Read – Singaporean Pleads Guilty to Spying For China on American Military And Government Employees

“With the fund, our creators will be able to realize additional earnings that help reward the care and dedication they put into creatively connecting with an audience that’s inspired by their ideas”, news agency Reuters quoted Pappas as saying. Also Read – Delhi Public School Student in Sharjah And Businessman in UAE Help 68 Stranded Indians Fly Home Amid COVID-19

According to the reports, the ‘creator fund’ will be open next month, i.e, in August to US applicants (18 years or above). Also Read – Trump Administration Bans New Foreign Students Seeking Online-only Classes

The development comes days after it was reported that the United States might following India in banning TikTok. Notably, Republican Ken Buck had offered the proposal to bar TikTok from federal devices as part of a $741 billion defense policy bill.

Last month, India had banned 59 Chinese apps which also included the video sharing app owned by Chinese unicorn ByteDance. The app came under the scanner of security services over fears of it sharing user data with the Chinese government.

However, TikTok has denied the allegations. “The Government of India has issued an interim order for the blocking of 59 apps, including TikTok and we are in the process of complying with it. We have been invited to meet with concerned stakeholders for an opportunity to respond and submit clarifications. TikTok continues to comply with all data privacy and security requirements under Indian law and has not shared any information of our users in India with any foreign government, including the Chinese government”, TikTok India had said.



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