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“When I was 22, I chose the path of Shanti,” recounts Mandira Bedi

“When I was 22, I chose the path of Shanti,” recounts Mandira Bedi

Where I was career-wise? I’d just landed a role in Shanti, the first daily soap on Indian TV. Plus, I had a job in advertising as a copy writer. I chose the path of Shanti.

My mindset: I was embarking on something I had no experience in, no inclination towards. Advertising was what I wanted to do. But Shanti was offered to me. It was a crossroads moment in my life.

The actor briefly stayed with her brother, Harmeet and sister-in- law, Dipika when she started working in Shanti

No romance? Absolutely nil!

My fashion sense: Jeans and shirts, a couple of salwar-kameez sets and I could just about drape a sari. No brands.

(Right) Mandira now, 48, and her classic Shanti look at 22

The food I loved: Asian and South Indian cuisines because both have excellent vegetarian options.

The money situation: Advertising offered me ₹5,000 a month. Shanti offered 30K a month. Money had a lot do with my choice!

Mandira in Singapore with her nephew Karan

And family? My parents moved to Delhi when my father retired. I stayed on in Mumbai.

Where I was headed: My goal was to give Shanti a shot and then get into advertising.

“Money made me decide in favour of taking up acting as a career”

The fitness quotient: Boy! I wish I had a fitness quotient. I would go for a walk once or twice a week.

The two looks of Mandira when she was shooting for Aurat

And finally, a story from back then: My father told me, ‘What you are doing is very brave; you are trying something that you don’t know much about. I am proud of you.’ That was the only time I have seen tears in my father’s eyes.

See more photos here

From HT Brunch, September 13, 2020

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