Home Technology Zoom raiders are using Twitter, Instagram to organise zoombombing campaigns

Zoom raiders are using Twitter, Instagram to organise zoombombing campaigns


With more classes and conferences going online with video-conferencing app Zoom, a few bad actors are using social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter to organise harassment campaigns on Zoom. These harassment campaigns are more popularly known as zoomraiding or zoombombing.

Several Instagram and Twitter accounts are asking people to share Zoom meeting codes so as they can raid video conferences and classes that are being held through video calls on the app. Zoombombing has emerged as a new form of online harassment where hate speech, inappropriate content and pornography is flashed during a video conference on Zoom.

Also Read: Zoom announces new security, privacy features to prevent Zoombombing

The New York Times has discovered 153 Instagram accounts created for Zoombombing. The Facebook-owned photo and video-sharing app said on Friday that they were still in the process of pulling down accounts and hashtags being used for Zoombombing. Twitter is also looking into how to deal with this issue.

Teenagers running these zoombombing accounts told NYT that they found “Zoomraiding a way to escape completing school work”.




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