18 Best Online Invoicing Software For A Small Business In 2021

Invoicing software is a tool that generates invoices and billing for the provided services and products automatically. This tool generates a list of services and products and their corresponding costs and sends them to your related clients as an invoice. And invoices are created using professional-looking templates, more accessible and convenient for payments, and easily understandable to any people.

For every product or service provided, an invoice is made, and another step is to get paid. Traditionally, payments are primarily cash-based, and entry was kept manually, leading to billing and delayed payables errors. Now, financial transaction technology has been easier with electronic transfers, card payments, and online payments. With the invoicing software, things go beyond this since invoicing and payment collection come in a single cycle.

If you want to benefit from the organization and productivity invoicing software provides, you need to know more about it. 

As a small business owner or freelancer, there must be some aspect of your job you like the most. It is significant to be boss of your own, set your schedule, and choose the projects that fit you the best. It also means doing all your work by yourself, from admin to accounting your taxes and more. 

Sending and organizing invoices may not be your favorite tasks to do. 

The interesting news is that we live in a fully digitized world, fully loaded with solutions, automating your business. Many invoicing solutions provide with best options that help your business to grow and remain on budget. They are categorized based on their features, scalability, pricing, and usability to your company.    

What does invoicing software do?

Invoicing software is typically made for a small business that does not have a dedicated finance department to handle accounts payable. The accounting task of billing and invoicing is handled by a certain number of employees. But the invoicing software can handle a lot of work itself. It helps in the following processes:

1. Create and customize invoices

Online invoicing platforms are comparatively easy to use than desktop software and are gaining popularity drastically. They do not bind you to one premise but allow you to access information from anywhere and create invoices that improve your brand.

Contrary to the traditional method, you already have pre-built invoices, or you can start it from scratch if you desire to then add items with customer name, quantity, amount, discounts, sales tax, and many others.

 If you want to use the template, it will be easier to create invoices by filling in the required blanks. Most invoicing software comes with a customization option where you can modify invoice elements and include logos, colors, and other corporate symbols. You can add or create new clients from a dashboard. You have the option to notify them to get the invoice from an online portal. You do not have to send recurring invoices manually as they are automated.   

2. Facilitate billing and payment

Online platforms do not require additional setup after they are installed and allow processing payment easily. With invoicing software, you can create an online portal so that customers can directly make payments and immediately process them.

 Moreover, it allows to accept foreign currency and has a feature to handle multiple languages, multiple currencies, and tax adjustments. Suppose they are integrated with other online payment platforms like PayPal, Stripe, and others. They can easily accept payments online more conveniently and easily.

In short, invoicing software should have features to handle multiple currencies, payment options, and tax adjustments. They are also capable of tracking offline payments.  

3. Generate reports

You can generate a report of each invoice with the help of invoicing software. It assists you in tracking finances and monitoring each invoice through the automated process. The report generation process is quite simple. You can export them as PDF files and receive or share them through email. 

You can generate invoices and get data analyzed to get appropriate intuition from your billing and invoicing operations such as outstanding invoices, average payment cycle, number of customers who pay on time, and how many pay late. You can instantly get information from your software and manage all records, transactions, and databases.

Now, you must have known how invoicing software works. They are planned to design for accuracy and automation. If you have a business that needs to send invoices frequently, invoicing software would be the best solution to manage repetitive tasks to make everything organized and accurate. Ultimately helps to fasten the payment process.   

Benefits of invoicing software

Here is the list of benefits of using invoicing software for your business.

1. Simple and fast

Most of the invoicing software is a cloud-based system where all the information and details are saved safely. The personnel information like the client’s name and address, payment terms, and preferred payment method is protected and saved.

You can easily log in to your account and send the invoice to the designated client in few minutes. You input the service provided date, track the due date, then send invoices electronically to your client. It does not take a second for process execution.

In short, online invoicing software is user-friendly and speeds up the entire process. You can get your account set up and start billing in a matter within minutes and with simple training.

2. Stored in cloud

You do not have to panic about losing invoices or client data if you are using the cloud for storage. If you face mail problems or computer crashing issues, then switching to cloud-based invoicing software is the best solution.  

You do not need to bother about other factors like natural calamities, fire, and other human activities. You can easily access the information from anywhere at any time and save it for future references.

3. Automation

The most significant benefit of online invoicing is automation. This means you can set up recurring payments for long-term clients. For this, you can create a subscription-based business model.

Through automation, you can send follow-ups and payment reminders for past-due invoices and upcoming payments. Automating these tasks helps to save time and money and also helps to focus on growing business. It saves you from paying for administrative tasks. It removes the tedious task of chasing for payments.

4. Establish brand identity

A cloud-based invoicing solution strengthens your brand’s identity. You can customize your brand by adding a logo, color scheme, and fonts that go along with your brand.

When you establish your brand identity, you also increase the chances of getting paid on time. The brand logo on the invoice increases the chance of getting paid by three times. You can also include greeting messages like “Thank you” so that you can upsell new services or products to the same client.

It might seem insignificant, but greeting and other personalized messages help to enhance your brand. Your brand reveals your personality and expertise in the related field.

5. Security

Some businesses are used to create and mailing paper invoices, while some prefer online invoicing and payments because they care about their customer’s information and security. 

Some of the reputed online invoicing software comes with security safeguards and PCI security standards. It helps to save from data loss and interface. SSL encryption is the best safeguard.

6. Dealing with many currencies and languages

With technology, we are global citizens nowadays. A freelancer in Germany can bill their client in America. A customer in Australia can order a t-shirt from a company in the UK.

Because of this, digital invoicing software lets users pick their preferred language and currency. Digital invoicing and payments make the global marketplace easier and more convenient. Also, it removes the payment barriers.

7. Cost savings

Through automation, you can save the administrative cost to hire a skilled accountant to manage bills and invoices. It removes the additional cost related to paper, ink, and postage. It can reduce the cost of invoicing by 29%.

8. 24/7 access

Through online invoicing, you can access the customer’s information from one single application. Invoicing software is fully responsive and can be accessible from desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

This means that you can complete your office task either from home or while traveling. You can send and manage invoices 24/7.

9. Simple auditing

A cloud-based invoicing software saves your cost in every respect. It includes invoices, estimates, expenses, receipts that are available in a single dashboard.

When analyzing financial reports dashboard helps to create a simple and time-saving process. While preparing for the tax, you and your accountant can quickly determine eligible tax deductions. It helps to locate all your expenses and receipts from a single place.  

10. Faster payments

It takes seconds to send invoices online and even faster to make recurring billing. You do not need to wait for weeks to receive, review, and return an invoice through mail. You should not wander between lost in the mail. Your invoices are sent faster means you receive faster. Invoices and payments go hand in hand.

11. Environment friendly

Do you know digital invoicing is four times more environmentally friendly than paper billing? Through online invoicing, you are saving trees, water and helps to reduce pollution as they do not use paper. You are also saving lands from solid waste that papers have created. It can be said that online invoicing reduces carbon production.

12. Reduces errors and disputes

You have to go through several steps if you are using paper and any process done by humans is error-prone. They might create incorrect billing amounts and send them to the wrong person. This does not happen anymore with invoicing software. 

If you make invoicing mistakes, each process will get postponed and delays the payment. You have to wait for weeks, months, or even years if you do not make the correct invoice and send it to the right person. And creating whole new invoices is a nightmare.

Online invoicing computes the total amount for you to stop from errors. It adds taxes and sends bills to the right person. Even you make a mistake in a hurry, you just take a minute to fix or resend it.

13. Enhances customer relationships

As mentioned earlier, there are numerous benefits of online invoicing, from creating accurate invoicing, preferred currency of payment method, professional-looking invoices, positive brand reinforcement, and more. It makes your client feel like a VIP. Even a simple and polite gesture tells many things about your company and business. 

Maintaining a good relationship with your client encourages them to pay the invoice on time and also generates word-of-referrals from your repetitive customers.

14. Focuses on you as it puts you in the driver seat

When processing payments, you have to pay transaction and deposit fees. Even a small fee can add over the long run. The process can take days, weeks, or even months to process.

Online invoicing lets you pick the payment that is fast and offers the most inexpensive transaction rates. If you accept other currencies, then those fees are eliminated.

15. Professionalism and modernity

Online invoicing gives your modern business vibes with in-built templates and a professional feel. It provides images to your customer about your business. It does not seem extraordinary, but it helps you with delays and barriers to accepting payments.

For instance, would you suggest to others if you are accepting only one payment option? That only cash payment will not be convenient to all the clients. 

What are the features that invoicing software must have?

The must-have features of invoicing software are:

1. Send and receive invoices automatically

Companies select one way to automate either sending or receiving invoices. While choosing invoicing software, consider this factor that allows you to automate both processes.

Automating both processes receiving and sending invoices fasten the payment time, saves costs, increases scalability, achieves the best ROI, and more.

2. Accept multiple currencies and invoice customization

Invoices are an essential part of branding. Do not forget to include the company logo even if you send a simple invoice. What’s better than choosing software that provides you with a template library, customize the information without any technical support, or create your own according to your desire.  

Another noteworthy benefit is that you can purchase and regulate international supplies or have clients worldwide. Good invoicing software prevents dealing with international laws and taxes. It keeps you up to date with multi-currency and international capabilities.

3. Supports all invoicing formats

It seems not important until you are asked to convert invoices into different formats for each customer or client. Your clients may require documents in any format like CSV, XML, EDI, docs, or PDF; your invoicing software must be capable of converting information into structured data for machine learning. 

 4. Integration with existing systems

Smooth data flow will not be possible until you do not integrate other platforms with existing software. Much invoicing software is designed to operate with complex business systems. If you can integrate invoicing software with another existing system, then you can make a seamless integration. 

5. Archiving capabilities

Archiving capabilities of invoicing software are important, allowing you to manage all your invoices with ease and store them in one place.

Invoicing software provides encryption facilities that add another layer of security.  

In addition, you can add archiving receipts, set expiry dates of the documents, and keep them organized at the end. You can retrieve all your data safely and quickly. 

6. Accept multiple payments

Modern consumers are facilitated with a wide array of options to buy anything possible and pay for these purchases or goods however they want. 

Your invoicing software should be able to process all forms of payments either by using e-payment, credit card, or third-party platforms. For example, several suppliers and consumers prefer to use online transactions or e-wallets as a safe, faster, and more productive fund transfer method.  

All transactions are not straightforward, and sometimes they might want to offer a discount to a regular customer. Sometimes other terminal costs and oil prices cause shipping rates to fluctuate. You want these numbers to be included in your taxes, bill, and system. 

Also, it must have the capabilities to set up recurring payments and send invoices automatically, and it is another noteworthy factor.

7. Integrate analytics

If your business wants to acquire more insights, then several solutions have built-in analytics capabilities and graphical dashboards. Business intelligence is a solid and essential tool for decision-makers or managers to make timely, informed decisions and intelligence. 

It is always a matter of interest to know about how your business is doing, and the best invoicing software can collect data, generate reports, and send them, giving closure insights.  

8. Safety and Support

Businesses work with many personnel and sensitive data daily, and they should be protected at any cost. To ensure you are in the right and safe hands, take time to compare and evaluate the vendors who understand the value of data and make data protected at any cost as per your business goals. 

Another important factor that adds success is how well your vendor supports you throughout the whole implementation project. If you have compatible, quality online support and offline should be delicately assisted if you search for the right solution.

 After a successful installation of the software, you should not stop providing excellent customer support. The main aim of going digital is to boost productivity, save physical space and resources, and get immediate access to invoices at any time. Invoicing software is the best solution as it removes the daily hassle.

Why use invoicing software?

All the features mentioned above and benefits should be sufficient reasons for you to adopt invoicing software. Here are some additional reasons to choose invoicing software for your business. 

1. Creating invoices faster and accurately. 

This is way beyond creating invoices from word processors. A proper invoice document has an invoice number, detailed information about your product or service, date of service or product delivered, the contact information of the vendor or seller, name and contact information of the customer, payment details, the total amount due, and payment due date. Invoicing software does it all for you.

2. Create invoices anywhere

Above all, invoicing software makes it easier for companies to create invoices from any location where internet connectivity is available as online platforms are empowered by cloud technology and are web-based. 

Similarly, some companies provide you with mobile apps to create invoices in a single click as software promises.

3. Integrate invoicing with your business systems

Online invoicing platforms provide full integration features with your accounting system as per your financial requirements and be linked to your payroll, inventory, banking, and reporting modules using one single source. You can integrate other platforms directly into your dashboard.

How much does invoicing software cost?

Invoicing software can be taken as a standalone application or as part of full-packaged financing and accounting software. There may be a misconception about the invoicing software that they stand alone as it is an integral part of any software. It performs the exact functions, and it must use one or other accounting processes.

The complete accounting solutions are bundled with many features that can increase the efficiency of your business. While talking about the price of the invoicing tools, they have a wide variation from free apps to fully-features premium versions. 

Invoicing software and its price also depend on what sector you are in and what task you will perform after the installation of software. Free apps come with limited users, suitable for small businesses, but premium versions come with double-figure pricing that offers multiple features.

The software offers the plans like Basic, Starter, Pro, and Enterprise with other flexible pricing plans.

You need to choose your pricing plan that matches your business according to your need. You need to compare and study the price offering by your vendors as cost always plays a vital role while choosing them. You need to be sure and confident about what you need and make a wise choice as per expectations.

What are the latest trends of invoicing software?

The latest trends of invoicing software to look for are:

1. Government-led adoption

In most countries in regional areas like Scandinavia and South America, specific nations like Brazil and Mexico lead to e-invoicing adoption.

Other countries like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, many other countries have started digital payment through invoicing software. The US Office of Management and Budget that all government agencies had to move to e-invoicing by the end of 2018, while the European Union has made Public Administrators mandatory to accept e-invoices.

2. Real-time economy

Invoicing software lets, you provide accurate and faster data between suppliers, governments, and businesses as they drive towards a real-time economy. This allows validating data, immediate responses that can be modified accordingly and sent again in 24 hours. This helps to reduce late payments drastically.  

3. AI and automation of the invoicing process

With the advancement in invoicing platforms, more and more invoicing tasks will become automated. This removes the need for manual monitoring and human errors in financial transactions, data entry, and more. 

Moreover, AI will evolve invoicing software, making all financial processes dynamic and accurate. AI will enhance the overall process of the invoicing software, makes the whole process accurate, enhances the cash flow, also identifies invoice fraud.

What are the types of invoices that every small business should know?

The different types of invoices that every small business should know are:

1. Standard Invoice

A business issues a standard invoice to a client. It is the most common form of an invoice that every small business generates as the format is flexible enough to fit most companies or industries and their billing cycle. Standard invoices include the following information:

  • Business’s name and contact information
  • Clients name and contact information
  • Invoice number
  • The amount of money that the client has for its services

2. Credit invoice

A credit invoice is also called a credit memo that is generated by the business and provided to the client with a discount or a refund or to correct a previous invoicing error. 

For instance, if you are providing a credit invoice to a client of a$60 refund, the total amount on credit will be -$50.

3. Debit Invoice

A debit invoice is also called a debit memo that is generated by a business that needs to elevate the number of clients owes to the business. It is typically designed and valuable to small businesses and freelancers who need to make slight adjustments to their current bills.  

For instance, if you sent a client an invoice based on their previous estimated hours and you ended up working additional hours, then you could send the client a debit invoice for your extra work and send them a bill. No negative numbers are included in debit invoices.

4. Mixed invoice

The combination of credit and debit charges in one invoice is called mixed invoices. The total amount can be presented in positive or negative numbers. Generally, small businesses do not need to create mixed invoices. The total amount owed for the different projects will be billed on the same invoice.

5. Commercial invoice

If the goods and products are sold internationally, then it sends a commercial invoice. It includes details of the sale that determine international sales’ customs duties. It includes the following information:

  • Quantity of shipment
  • Weight
  • Description of goods
  • Total value
  • Packaging format

6. Timesheet Invoice

A timesheet is an invoice issued by the business on the hours they work as their standard pay rate. Contract employees use timesheets. It is popular in industries where clients are billed hourly. It includes:

  • Business consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Creative agencies
  • Psychologists

7. Expense report

An expense report is a type of invoice submitted by the employer for the compensation of business-related expenses. For example, if you send an employee for a meeting with a client, they can create an expense report to invoice your company for the parking, lunch, gas, bus fare that you paid upfront.  

8. Pro forma invoice

A pro forma is the type of estimated invoice sent by the business to a client before providing services. It provides you with a complete cost estimation before starting a project. It can be altered at the end of project completion.  

9. Interim invoice

An interim invoice is the type of invoice which is used for billing on large projects where the business and the clients come to the standard agreements. A business or freelancer will submit the intermediate invoices when they complete certain parts and complete a large project. It helps to manage cash flow while working for an extended period.

10. Final invoice

Once a project has been completed, you will make a final invoice to request payment. It is more detailed as a final stage of a project than pro forma or interim invoice. It includes the following things:

  • List of service provided
  • The total cost of the project
  • Invoice number
  • Invoice due date
  • Accepted payment methods

11. Past due invoice

If the client does not provide payment on time as per your listed final invoice, then your past due invoice is made. As soon as you miss the due date, you should send past due invoices to clients. The past due invoice includes payment details listed on the final invoice, late fees, and interest charges if included any interest charges.

12. Recurring invoice

Recurring invoices are fruitful for businesses that charge the same amount periodically for their services. It is common among IT businesses that charge the same amount of money for their service package. Also, if you are a freelancer, you will work on a package of completing specific projects. Cloud-based invoicing software allows you to automate the whole process by creating recurring invoices. It sends the invoices on the same day when of the due date. 

13. E-invoice

E-invoice is a term used for electronic invoices regardless of the type of invoice being sent. E-invoicing is widely practiced among freelancers and small businesses. E-invoices help to get paid faster, quicker, and efficiently.

Despite invoicing software is taken as one of the mature technologies, invoicing software has a long history from carving on woods and stones, writing in papers to electronic paperless invoices. But it also goes with many common issues that must be addressed. 

Best Invoicing Software for Small Business

Suppose you are looking for the best invoicing software to get paid timely. Then check out some excellent fully-featured invoicing software for easy and quick invoices.

1. Zoho invoice

Zoho invoice is feature-rich invoicing software for small businesses. Along with sending invoices, it offers other advanced features like expense, estimates, and templates. It provides comprehensive solutions for small businesses. It provides integration features with Zoho Sign.  

It provides various subscription plans. The free plan provides invoices for up to five customers per month. Paid plans range from $9-$29 per month that offers many advanced features like extra users, automated workflows, and custom domains. 

The advantages of using Zoho as invoicing software are unlimited invoice and estimates, easy to use, cloud-based, invoicing can be done in 14 other languages, good customer support, multiple mobile apps, and more.

2. Quickbooks

Quickbooks provides various accounting business tools. It has payment options like credit card payments, debit cards, and ACH bank transfers. You can pay by just clicking a simple pay now button. It also provides with mobile app and credit card scanner to simplify payments. Time tracking and bookkeeping are other essential features. There is no long-term contract with Quickbooks.

3. OutInvoice

OutInvoice is an invoicing software, especially for small businesses and freelancers. It is feature-rich and has multiple functions like managing multiple clients, payment integration, unlimited invoice generation, client management, payment integration, automatic invoice generation, etc. It has two pricing plans, monthly and yearly. 

This software provides multiple payment options like PayPal, Stripe for faster payment. It  provides a fully functional feature for small businesses and freelancers. It provides 30 days free trial without a credit card. 

 Here are some advantages and disadvantages of OutInvoice.

👍 Advantages👎 Disadvantages
1. Multiple members profile1. Not for large business
2. Manage multiple businesses
3. Unlimited invoices
4. Accept online payments
5. Simple and easy to use
6. Track invoices
7. Generate a report of invoice
8. Best customer support


The best of OutInvoice is its pricing technique; if you have only one client, then you can subscribe per user per month basis. No extra charge is added for the fixed number of users. The monthly subscription is $6 per user per month, and for yearly subscription $60 per user per year. 

4. Freshbooks

Freshbooks is the best -invoicing and accounting solutions for small businesses. Solutions are customized to various types of businesses and freelancers. Invoices are designed to look professional that take seconds to create. You can also automate the reminders, estimates, projects, expenses, and payment reports.

Its subscription plan ranges from $4.50-$15 per month. If you want to add extra team members, add-ons are available.

The advantages of FreshBooks are unlimited invoices and estimates, cloud-based software, supports multiple languages, provides customer support, mobile apps, and more.

5. Invoice Ninja

Invoice Ninja provides full feature online business apps, with the varied option of finance and invoicing. The software provides fully customizable features like invoice number, invoice branding, 40 payment gateway integration, and custom domains. Similarly, you can also create proposals, quotes, time tasks, and create custom processes.

The free plan includes features like payments, quotes, and integrations. The pro plan costs $10 per month, which provides templates, customization, and multiple invoicing. Enterprise plan costs $14 per month, which offers multiple users and provides permission to the teams.

6. Wave

Wave is a financial app for businesses that covers everything from accounting to payroll. It is fast, customizable, and free invoicing software. It provides a fully customizable dashboard where you can manage your invoices, payments, and customer information. It integrates accounting products to keep track of the entire financial process. 

The free subscription plan manages invoices, accounting, and receipts. It is one of the best options without any limits—paid plan many additional features like payment processing and payroll. Payroll starts from $20 per month. Payments are calculated on per-transaction and payment on an invoice basis. 

7. Bill.com

Bill.com is an invoice payment solution that is integrated with business accounting software. You can connect to various platforms like Xero, Quickbooks, Sage, and more. It uses AI to capture payment information from customers and create invoices instantly. For instance, this software can detect duplicate invoices and send them to the right person.  

Its business plan ranges from $39-$69 /user per month. If you want more advanced features on your invoicing software, you can choose an enterprise plan that provides payment options, manage workflow, and more. 

8. Square invoices

Square invoice is an online invoicing tool that allows you to send an invoice immediately. Clients can pay from their mobile phone, computer, or even in person. It accepts payment through different platforms like Apple Pay and Google Pay. So, it helps small businesses to get paid quickly. Square provides time-saving features like cash flow reporting, auto-billing, and invoice reports.

There is no fee added on the square for a month, but you will be charged a small amount processing rate of $0.30 plus 2.9 percent. It may be helpful to service providers as this offers functionality.

9. Xero

Xero is a feature-rich option for small businesses. This invoicing software allows you to generate invoices and send them to customers online. A simple pay now button allows you to get paid instantly as it is integrated with many online platforms like Apple Pay and Stripe. So the client can pay easily. It also enables automatic payments for repetitive customers. 

It provides various subscription plans and ranges from $5.50-$31 per month. The free plan is best for independent contractors and freelancers that work with few clients each month. Other paid and upgraded options provide unlimited quotes and invoices, support multiple currencies, and project tracking. 

10. PayPal

PayPal is a well-known online payment option that provides invoice functionality. You can access PayPal from any device. You can make invoices by using templates and send them to the right customer.

You can access all your business information from one online dashboard-like tracking payments, and send reminders. The most important advantage of PayPal is widely recognization. So, it is the most familiar platform and able to pay easily. It also accepts credit card and bank account payments. 

It is free if you desire to sign up for a PayPal account and also to create invoices. However, it takes a transaction fee of $0.30 plus a 2.9 percent transaction.

11. NetSuite

NetSuite is business management that provides service as enterprise resource planning (ERP), and customer relationship management(CRM) functions. It is designed for an extensive range of industries or companies. Its system integrates with companies’ back-office, sales, and service processes.

NetSuite provides various features like financial accounting, reporting and analytics, payment management, billing and order management, chain supply management, and directory management.

12. Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct is one of the cloud-based accounting and financial management software. It is suitable for small to medium accounting companies or firms that provide financial reporting and operational insights to automate critical financial processes. Sage Intacct financial solution provides professional services and manages all core finances.

Sage Intacct provides multiple core accounting applications like accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash management, general ledger, order management, along with the finance team. It also supports built-in dashboards, real-time reporting, and more.

13. Multiview ERP

Multiview Software is the flagship ERP system developed to multiview financial software. It is developed for rapidly growing small businesses to large enterprises across North America.

It is a financial application standard core accounting functions that include general ledger, account payable, accounts receivable, financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting. Multiview also assists more business-specific functions like purchase orders, workflow, fixed asset accounting, inventory management, with other financial applications. Similarly, the system has an open API to interface with outside systems. 

14. Canopy

Canopy is cloud-based management and tax resolution platform that is generally used by accounting firms, tax professionals, tax attorneys, and registered agents. It also provides a mobile app where clients or customers can securely share files, complete to-do lists, e-sign documents, view invoices, and make payments. You can find it on both Android and iOS devices. 

Canopy has the features like automatic workflows, bird-eye view, client requests, communications, custom templates, tax resolution, notices, and more. It provides practice management modules that allow you to automate client onboarding, manage files, and tracks client communications.

It gives annual subscription plans. Customer support is available through phone, video tutorials, and online.

15. ZarMoney

ZarMoney provides open pricing plans. This provides how much to pay monthly, why to use the best accounting software, and which to use with transparent pricing. It is hard to determine how much accounting software costs, making it difficult to pick between different options available. ZarMoney provides straightforward pricing plans.

ZarMoney has a pricing plan for every level, from small business owners to entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur plan costs $15 per month for one user that supports unlimited transactions. The small business plan costs $20 per month provide unlimited transaction. And each additional user costs $10 per month. For large businesses that have more than 30 users, it charges $350 per month.

16. Plooto

Ploot is the best accounting software that automates account payable processes. Small businesses need to manage time accurately and concisely at a low price. 

Plooto is a payment platform that helps small businesses to manage their payments from one device and location, such as payments, approvals, reconciliation, and reporting from a single dashboard. It gives business owners a clear picture of financials.  

17. GoDaddy

GoDaddy is an online merchant which manages the business online and offline. You can integrate the accounting software with your sales data from Amazon, PayPal, Stripe. It also has features like sending and tracking invoices, accepting online payments, managing reports, and affordable prices, making it the best pick for online merchants.

Online merchants are more than essential accounting software as they track their sales from multiple channels and view them from one location. GoDaddy is the easy-to-use accounting software that you can import data from Amazon, PayPal, eBay, Etsy, Stripe, and many other online platforms. It also generates reports on income, expenses, profits and tracks real-time data. As it is online bookkeeping, you need to bother download or update. You can sign in from any device.

18. Sage Business Cloud accounting

Sage Business Cloud accounting is the cloud-based program that allows you to create and send invoices, track what you have, and automates bank reconciliations. It costs $10 per month, which is best suited for freelancers who help to manage accounting tasks as they do not need a lot from accounting software. They just need to perform tasks like creating an invoice and getting paid.

Start Plan allows you to create, track, and send invoices automatically. It also allows you to send quotes, estimates, and invoices. The Sage Accounting plan also supports unlimited users and costs $25 per month. They provide discounts from time to time. They sometimes give discounts up to 50% for six months. In this situation, the freelancers just have to pay $7.50 per month for half a year. It offers 30 days free trial so that you can test before choosing them for your company. You are not stuck in a long-term contract as you can cancel the plan anytime. 

Sage’s program is cloud-based; hence you can access it from wherever you go where the internet is available. It is integrated with Stripe for easy payment. It has the features to automate many accounting and invoicing tasks, expenses, payments, sending and tracking invoices, setting multiple reminders and alerts.


There are plenty of invoicing software available if you are not happy with the invoicing function in your bookkeeping software. Choose the software that suits you the best also, be sure of email invoices if possible. Ensure your customer pay electronically.

As mentioned above, these are not only the list of free invoicing software in the world. But these are the software and best online invoicing software platforms based on evaluation, versatility, scalability, robustness, and intuitive solutions available for small business owners. They are worth considering for your business. However, if this software does not fit your business and is not suitable for you, look for other software and start with the trial at first and choose the best one that matches your requirements.

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