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College Sports Leaders Coach Up The Country

College Sports Leaders Coach Up The Country

Considering the sobering statistics being distributed daily about the rapid spread of coronavirus and COVID-19, you wouldn’t think public service announcements from college football and basketball coaches would be necessary to reinforce the concept of social distancing and other virus-related safeguards.

Yet, somehow, we have reached that point in our nation’s fight against this powerful pandemic. 

Here’s a look at how some of the most popular coaches in college sports have been tackling the issue via social media: 

Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski gets the best line in the spot shown above:  “Avoid touching your face. I know that can be difficult, but if you practice hard you can do it.”  

N.C. State Kevin Keatts delivers perhaps the most important line of a sport released on March 16: “There’s a lot of bad information out there, so make sure you’re getting your information from a trusted source.”  

Three days after the North Carolina PSA, eight prominent Michigan college sports figures released their combined message to the public. 

Extra credit for including coaches Carol Hutchins (Michigan softball) and Suzy Merchant (Michigan State women’s basketball) along with the athletic directors from both schools as well as men’s basketball coaches Tom Izzo and Juwan Howard and football coaches Mel Tucker and Jim Harbaugh. 

Surprisingly, it’s Michigan’s typically dour Harbaugh who delivers the most memorable line: “Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.” 

That’s a nod to the signature phrase of his 80-year-old father Jack Harbaugh, a former Michigan assistant and head coach at Western Michigan and Western Kentucky. 

The brevity award goes to Oklahoma football coach Lincoln Riley, who required just 19 seconds to deliver his message that includes a link to the OU School of Medicine. 

“Let’s make sure that we avoid large gatherings,” Riley says, leaning forward in what appears to be his office chair. “Keep at least six feet of distance, all right, from others, especially anyone that’s sick. … Be safe.” 

USC’s Clay Helton may be living on borrowed time in Troy, but that didn’t keep the embattled football coach from taping an impassioned reminder about best practices in these “unprecedented times.” 

Points must be deducted for excessive gesturing and the double-swoosh look, but he wins back most of those with an earnest message that includes the student body as a whole. 

“Spring break is over,” Helton says. “It’s time to continue to develop mind, body and soul right from home. … Be accountable to your academics the rest of the semester. Let’s dominate.” 

Alabama’s Nick Saban may be a future Hall of Fame coach with six national championships, but AFLAC commercials and a cameo in “The Blind Side” have done little to improve his favorability rating outside of Crimson Tide country. 

The well-meaning PSA he released Tuesday probably won’t do much to change that. I’m not sure what was going on during the taping, but by my count there are 11 edited frames in Saban’s 97-second spot. 

I’m no Scorcese, but that seems like a lot. 

To his credit, Saban thanked our nation’s medical professionals and caregivers while noting the Alabama coaching staff is “obeying all social distancing guidelines” while working from home. 

“Together we look forward to all that is to come, like the opportunity to play college football this fall,” Saban added. “But the best and safest way to ensure that happens is to listen to the experts, follow their guidelines and take care of each other.” 

Saban tried to smile at the end, but he still looked like he wanted to yell at somebody for having to cancel spring practice.

Ten full days before Saban released his PSA, LSU coaching rival Ed Orgeron got out in front of the issue with his gravelly voice, barrel chest and helpful demonstrations. 

“Cover your cough with your elbow — like this,” said the coach of the reigning national champions. “Wash your hands thoroughly — a full 20 seconds. If you’re sick, stay home. Avoid close contact with anyone who’s sick. Protect your at-risk family members, including the elderly.” 

It’s really not fair to compare other coaches to this cartoon character sprung to life, but few in his profession have ever read a PSA with the ferocity and authenticity of the man known as Coach O.




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