Home Business Entrepreneurs 5 Free Online Learning Sites Every Entrepreneur Should Visit

5 Free Online Learning Sites Every Entrepreneur Should Visit

5 Free Online Learning Sites Every Entrepreneur Should Visit

Being an entrepreneur is challenging, but it can also be rewarding and worth your while. It’s why so many young and inspiring students and individuals decide to create startups or patent revolutionary new products and services as entrepreneurs.

However, the road to success is paved with difficulty and roadblocks. According to Fortunly, only 50% of businesses with employees survive their first five years on the open market. Likewise, 42% of startups fail because their products or services simply aren’t necessary on the market.

This means that aspiring entrepreneurs need to prime themselves and learn as much as possible about running a business effectively. Let’s take a closer look at some free online learning sites every entrepreneur should visit to learn something useful about running a business.

1. Udemy

Udemy is one of the most practical and user-friendly online learning platforms on the market. It offers a wide range of free courses and seminars on a plethora of topics and in niches such as IT, marketing, and business. Udemy’s courses are curated by professionals in their respective industries and you can learn a lot without spending a dime on the platform.

This is an especially useful platform for college seniors and graduates with entrepreneurial plans. They can use Lets Grade It to proofread their papers, reports, elevator pitches, and other paperwork before presenting it to anyone. With Udemy, you’ll never lack something new to learn, whether you’re commuting or resting on a Saturday afternoon.

2. Codecademy

Just as digital marketing is becoming essential for entrepreneurs, so is coding. Codecademy is an online learning platform dedicated to all things related to programming. Here, entrepreneurs can learn about HTML, PHP, Java, Javascript, and many other coding languages free of charge.

The platform’s approach to learning relies on gamified exercises and lessons in which you can learn how to hunt for bugs and implement new features. These lessons are fully interactive and hands-on, meaning that there is very little downtime but plenty of handholding. As such, it is an essential learning platform for up-and-coming entrepreneurs who want to stand out on the market.

3. YouTube

While YouTube may seem like an unlikely candidate for a free online learning site, it is anything but. You can find hundreds of courses on entrepreneurship, business, sales, and finance on YouTube completely for free.

All you have to do is use the right keywords to search for the types of courses you’d like to follow and you’re set. You can use YouTube to learn whether you’re on your smartphone, laptop, or tablet device. Best of all, YouTube now allows you to download videos for later viewing, and you can also take advantage of its playlist-saving features.

4. edX

What makes edX stand out from other digital learning platforms is its reliance on science-based courses and learning modules. Its content is grounded in psychology, cognitive studies, and research. This translates to very practical, applicable courses which will teach you everything you need to know about being an entrepreneur. For starters, edX features dedicated entrepreneurship and financial management courses among its 300+ courses.

These courses are free, which is great for students who aspire to open their businesses shortly after graduation. When you think “I’d like help to rewrite my college essay”, you can ask for professional editorial writing help and learn new skills on edX. This is the hallmark of a solution-oriented future entrepreneur, so don’t hesitate to learn on edX and prepare to run your business more efficiently.

5. Alison

Alison is a platform perfectly suited for entrepreneurs who are still unsure of which path to take in their careers. It features a dedicated career guide that can help young individuals familiarize themselves with several fields. Some of these include healthcare, administration, teaching, and finance to name a few.

Alison also features plenty of free courses to follow. You can dig deep into the industry you chose to pursue thanks to Alison and its course library. Alison is free to use and all you have to do is register an account to get started on your professional journey.

Becoming a Better Entrepreneur by Learning (Conclusion)

As an entrepreneur, you will constantly need to face new situations and crises and learn how to overcome them on the spot. By checking out these free online learning sites, you will be that much more prepared to tackle the open market as an entrepreneur.

Don’t risk going into business-related situations unprepared – learn as much as possible and you will rise to the task that much more effectively. Those around you will be inspired by your know-how and confidence and you will understand what it means to be an entrepreneur more than ever.



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