Home Business Entrepreneurs 5 Important Reasons to Learn Spanish You Can’t Ignore

5 Important Reasons to Learn Spanish You Can’t Ignore

5 Important Reasons to Learn Spanish You Can’t Ignore

Learning a language can always be a way of discovering new lives and cultures. It can improve people’s minds and their relationships with other human beings worldwide.

When the idea of learning a new language comes to our minds, we may think that English should be the one to learn; we are so focused on this idea that English is the only language that will be spoken in the future. This is a strong belief that many people have, but the truth is that at the end of this century, almost all of the language that is in existence right now, which are six thousand, will cease to exist.

Even if they cease to exist by the end of the century, so, if you already know English, do not be afraid of learning how to communicate with the languages of other cultures; you can learn Spanish in Barcelona or Madrid, or in your own house.

✅ First reason

The first reason it is recommended to acquire a new language is that the language is the channel by which we, human beings, produce our thoughts. Some people may not like this idea, but it is really enticing, as it will probably help you understand how a person of a different culture behaves in their everyday life, as well as in their job life and personal life. The tools that a new language like Spanish will offer you are a suitable and appropriate form to broaden your minds.

Once the idea of learning a language has been decided, it is of paramount importance to thoroughly analyze the academies or institutes; or houses dedicated to bringing to their students the most fruitful experiences in learning a language. Expanish is one of the most renowned schools of languages in Spain. It has so much to offer that sometimes you will not even need to go out of it to do homework or investigations required for the courses. Moreover, the fact that you will be getting an education in the country where the language is the mother tongue is beneficial since the experience, and practice students obtain will undoubtedly be true.

✅ Second reason

Returning to the idea that studying a new language will broaden students’ minds. This will be so because, as people from the world know, stereotypes are going around and being talked of by all the inhabitants of the world in general. Each nationality has its stereotype. These are so common to everyone that no one even dares question them, but this has caused much sadness to those who were left aside. So, learning Spanish, as well as any other language, will open new doors for the student and also for the others around them. It is incredible to see the face of a Hispanic or Latin American person when they see that an English-speaking person speaks Spanish, as they are not used to hearing that. Rest assured that they will invite you to their parties and leisure activities to share their cultures and costumes since every person would feel proud that you have an interest in their culture. Additionally, just another fact, these welcoming people mentioned before are almost 500 million; those doors that will be opened will be extended to a new world not only for yourself but also for those 500 million.

✅ Third Reason

Another reason for learning the language is that it is the third most spoken language on the internet. As we all may know, the Internet has overtaken our lives; we depend on it much more or the same as on food or water. It may sound exaggerated or dramatic, but it is a fact that every day, more and more people are on their way to learning how to use it and adapt to the new era. It is a fact that in the last years, the Spanish language has increased its numbers to an 800% of users worldwide. So, even if it is not for your job, it is just for pleasure. This is another benefit that learning a language will provide.

✅ Fourth reason

Tourism has become a crucial activity in the market around the world. It has supplemented every country with high incomes. The most visited countries people decide to stay in are primarily Spanish-speaking countries, such as Spain and Mexico. Therefore, if you do not choose to learn the language because you do not have a job or an activity that requires you to, going on holiday can also be taken as a reason to know. So, for example, if you get lost in a country that is not yours, the fact of speaking the language will help you find your way home; also, it will help you understand what people are talking about while you are wandering; and also, it will take you to find and know about the most delicious and traditional food of those great countries.

✅ Fifth reason

Art can be the opium of the people. Nowadays, as regards music, there are more singers from Latin America or Spain; that is, the most popular songwriters and singers are breaking records and being nominated for the most popular and renowned awards in the world. You may have heard, of La Rosalia, Shakira, Bad Bunny, and Maria Becerra, among others. This means that the Spanish language has reached the global stage. In Addition, if you are not a music person, but maybe you are keen on reading, all the literature written in Spanish is fantastic, with so much to offer about the culture and history of those people who may be prejudged or misjudged. What is more, there are translations of excellent English books that have been thoughtfully and thoroughly translated for a public who will comprehend how to read them.

Languages open doors, they open minds, they open our mouths. They are an instinct that expresses the deepest thoughts; maybe some of the reasons for acquiring them will be apprehending different ways of being you.



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