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6 Great Gift Ideas for School-Aged Kids

6 Great Gift Ideas for School-Aged Kids

Do you have a house filled with school-aged children but never know what to get them? You are not alone. Buying presents for younger kids can be challenging, but the great thing is that most of them already know what they want. You could probably ask the kids to get some ideas, but if you want it to be a surprise, you’ll need to get creative.

At their age, school kids also outgrow toys very quickly, and they can start to become expensive when you have to buy them for multiple different children. Here are some quick ideas that are perfect for any school-aged kid.

✅ Tempt Their Sweet Tooth

Who doesn’t like chocolate and sweets right? No kid on the planet will turn down some yummy treats and it’s probably the simplest thing you can buy that will make any kid grin from ear to ear. Give them a lucky mixed bag with all different types of sweets. Bake their favorite cookies or give them a voucher to buy what they would prefer.

✅ Lockable Private Journal

Kids need to be able to express themselves, even if it is done in privacy. Most kids, especially girls will love a lockable journal where they write their private thoughts without fear that someone will read them. What’s even better is if you can get a custom-designed cover that is just for them. It makes it that little bit special and something that they will look back on when they are older.

✅ Buy According to Their Hobbies

If you know what sport or hobby the kid likes, then a great idea is to get something they need, or you know they will use it for months or years to come. Whether it be equipment, uniforms, or just some shoes, gifts like this make the world of difference when it is something they enjoy doing in their past time.

Do they like to play video games or are they avid baseball players? For example, if they play video games, buy them a Steam pass or a voucher for some DLCs. If they play baseball, why not buy them a new glove? When it comes to baseball, every kid likes a new glove because different gloves work for different positions and they wear down as the kids play. If you buy according to what the kid enjoys you will probably have a much easier time finding something that they will cherish.

✅ Speakers or Headphones

Pretty much anything to do with technology is an ideal gift for school-aged kids. Nowadays, kids are exposed to technology and the internet at a much younger age than say 30 years ago. Headphones are a great option for road trips or when the kid wants to listen to a song wherever they go. Speakers, although some parents might not agree, are another cool gift to receive as a kid. If you can find speakers that have a headphone jack, even better.

✅ Pet

Not necessarily a dog or cat, but a pet that requires little to no maintenance. Think about hamsters, birds, rabbits, and goldfish. These animals make great pets for kids who are first-time owners and are much easier for them to handle. Having a pet teaches children responsibility and priority because they must learn to take care of another living being. Of course, get the parent’s permission first because they will likely have to help the kid in the beginning.

✅ Clothes

These days, kids are very conscious about how they look. They all want to have the best name-branded clothes and look their best. You can help them out by taking them shopping for some new gear or giving them a voucher to the mall where they can choose a new outfit. Clothes are always a win-win, just be aware that they might not fit the kid in a few months. In this case, you can give their old clothes to a hospice or someone else in need.

Buying gifts for school-aged kids don’t have to be a mission, and either one of these six ideas will make most kids extremely happy.



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