Home Business Entrepreneurs 6 Things To Consider When Choosing A Software For Your Small Business

6 Things To Consider When Choosing A Software For Your Small Business

6 Things To Consider When Choosing A Software For Your Small Business

Within the life cycle of any small and medium business, there will come a time when a certain area needs to be automated. Repetitive, manual tasks have been proven to be time-consuming and error-prone — and technological advancements paved the way for tools and applications that can address this problem.

Today, there are plenty of applications and software in existence that businesses can use for various functions such as project management, enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, schedule management, stock and inventory, and carbon management and strategy, just to name a few.

Given the variety, it is important to consider a few things in choosing the right software for your business.

So, here are 6 important things you should consider when choosing a software for your business.

1. Business Need

The first thing you need to do is determine what your company needs. This means reviewing all the software and applications currently in use, and assessing which ones need upgrades — or if there’s a need for a new application altogether.

When it comes to upgrades, it would also help to assess every system or software you currently have and list down the things that you like and dislike about them. After that, you can write down what aspects you want to improve on and how you see these improvements made.

2. Stakeholders

Do not go ahead and acquire new software without consulting or considering what your stakeholders have to say. Your stakeholders include your immediate team, team leaders, security team, tech team, and your customers — everyone who has a role or a vested interest in choosing the software.

You need to ensure that your immediate team — or the people who will be using the software — will find the tool useful and relevant. Team leaders must also find the software relevant in driving team performance. You must also get a green light from the security team that the software aligns with the company’s security protocols and standards. As for the tech team, they must be accounted for in case there needs to be integration with existing applications. Lastly, your customers — they may not be directly involved in choosing and using the software, but its impact on them must be considered, too.

3. Cost

It is important to not only look at the price of the software, but its value, as well. Software and applications of quality vary in price, so the best way to decide is to see which one offers the best value for your money. This means considering whether all the functionalities and features are useful to your users, and how long and often they will be using it. Base your decision on the scalability, longevity, and suitability of the software to your company as it grows.

Also consider upkeep costs — upgrades and updates that you also have to pay for down the road.

4. Accessibility & Ease of Use

Businesses and the workforce continue to get more global and remote as time passes — this is why it is important to consider the accessibility of any software or system used in a business. Is the software easily accessible using all types of devices? Can it cater to a global workforce and remote teams?

Another important thing to consider is the learning curve. It is best to choose a software that is easy for everyone to use — after all, if it takes a long time for users to figure out the basics, that would just defeat the purpose of the automation.

5. Customer Support

You may have chosen the best software for your business, but keep in mind that there can be technical problems or glitches that need to be fixed by the software vendor. During these unforeseen events, your vendor must be able to provide prompt response and solution. If it takes a long time for them to respond, consider that a red flag. Long interruptions due to technical problems can greatly affect your productivity, performance, and sales.

6. Security

Pay close attention to the legitimacy of the software — you can do this by browsing through online reviews. Another thing to check is the type of encryption to be used. Most programs only use a simple encryption algorithm, but there are some companies that use the strongest possible encryption in order to hack-proof the system. Work with your security team to determine which software is safest for your company.


Your choice of software must rely heavily on what your business and stakeholders need. When you have determined what features and functionalities you are looking for, consider the cost, ease of use, the efficiency of customer support, and the security features of the software. In the end, the software you choose must be one that you can afford and will increase your company’s productivity, performance, and sales.



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