Home Business Entrepreneurs 8 Must-have Clothes in a Capsule Wardrobe

8 Must-have Clothes in a Capsule Wardrobe

8 Must-have Clothes in a Capsule Wardrobe

Why do we often find ourselves in a situation where the wardrobe is full of things, but there is nothing to wear? There is a logical explanation for this: things are purchased on a momentary impulse, that is, not those in which there is a real need, but those that have attracted a large discount or are simply “in the mood.”

As a rule, such spontaneous purchases then lie in the farthest corner of the closet, since upon closer acquaintance it turns out that they do not fit in style, color or even size, and it is impossible to combine them with anything.

Recently, the trend of using a minimalist capsule wardrobe is very relevant, that is, one in which a small number of things have such universal compatibility that you can easily build a dozen or two sets from it for all occasions. In some ways, a capsule wardrobe resembles a designer, in which all the details are perfectly matched to each other.

The presence in the wardrobe of two or three diverse capsules for each season significantly reduces the time for daily thoughts on the topic “what to wear?” and saves space in the wardrobe.

What is a capsule wardrobe?

To answer this question, we should first understand what is the difference between a capsule and a basic wardrobe, are they different concepts, interchangeable or complementary?

The capsule is a part of any modern wardrobe. To be precise, any wardrobe, be it men’s or women’s, consists of different types of capsules: for work, for festive outings, for everyday capsules, etc. They can also be selected for a specific season, for example, for autumn or spring.

Each capsule inside contains quite a lot of different images, although the set of things itself is not large. Usually about 15 things. That is: 5 tops (this includes jackets, sweaters, blouses, tops, t-shirts, cardigans), 4 bottoms (skirts, trousers, shorts), 2 pairs of shoes, 2 bags, 1 dress, 1 outerwear (coat or jacket) – generates more than 20 images. This, of course, is the bare minimum. All clothes are selected taking into account your characteristics: lifestyle, budget, preferences.

8 must-have things in your wardrobe

  1. Jeans and/or chinos are an essential part of a capsule wardrobe that can be paired with just about anything. The laconic color and uniformity of the bottom in the company of a women’s blouse for the office allow you to create sets that may well fit into the picture of smart casual style. Light-colored, white pants or ripped jeans are a great casual or party outfit.
  2. Solid turtleneck, T-shirt or top – depending on the season, you can combine one or the other with a strict or casual top and bottom.
  3. A denim or plaid shirt pairs perfectly with shorts, jeans, and overalls. Wear them with block heels to look inimitable.
  4. A white shirt for men is the best option for a romantic date, as well as for business meetings or negotiations. It is worn with trousers, with skirts, with sundresses, with overalls, with shorts, that is, with almost everything that is in stock.
  5. A voluminous large-knit pullover with braids made of woolen or cotton thread is useful for friendly meetings on walks while traveling.
  6. For the cool season, you need a raincoat or trench coat in neutral tones that do not irritate the eyes, and therefore do not bother.
  7. An oversized woolen coat, fashion trends allow you to wear it with colorful sweatshirts or hoodies, with thick-soled lace-up boots or sneakers. If the silhouette of the coat is classic, then the image is more elegant. Ankle boots with a comfortable heel or high boots without fasteners are suitable for it.
  8. As the top layer, choose a jacket or cardigan. In combination with it, even a laconic set of jeans and a top acquires elegance and chic. A set of a jacket with a business-style dress and pumps is quite appropriate as a modest office look.

Step by step guide for creating capsules

Creating a capsule wardrobe is not difficult, you just need to come to grips with this issue and follow the algorithm below.

  1. Start with a total revision of the items already in your arsenal. To do this, take them all to the light of God, spread them out or hang them for visual evaluation.
  1. Throw away (or give away) all things that are small or large for you. Even if you have a goal to become slimmer or fatter, it is not certain that you will want to flaunt in dresses that were in vogue, shall we say, some time ago.
  2. Then the ones you never wear just because you don’t like them.
  3. After that, feel free to throw away what has lain in the closet, and has not been walked by you even once for a couple of years.
  4. The remaining wardrobe items should be sorted into seasons, putting those that are not relevant now into boxes.

And remember: a good wardrobe is not huge, but functional. Believe us, 15-17 items will be enough for the base. Stylists are convinced that the fewer things, the easier it is to combine them.



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