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Council Post: 15 Topics To Bring Up In A Job Interview If You Want To Be Memorable

Council Post: 15 Topics To Bring Up In A Job Interview If You Want To Be Memorable

Every job candidate’s goal is to stand out from the rest. However, it’s not enough to talk about your education and work experiences, which may be very similar to other qualified applicants. Great candidates shine by saying things that are truly unique.

To help you stand out, we asked Young Entrepreneur Council members to share some memorable things past candidates have said that really impressed them. Be sure to bring up these 15 things in your next job interview if you want to make a great impression.

1. How You Can Help Achieve Company Goals

Any time a candidate walks into an interview with some knowledge of our business and provides details as to how they believe they can help us achieve our goals, I am impressed. Unfortunately, this is a very rare occurrence as most candidates walk in to interviews without even knowing the name of the company that they are applying to. – Paul Farago, Ace Marks

2. Your Industry Curiosity

The most memorable candidates for me left me with a feeling that they were genuinely curious about the industry. Many candidates put on a mask of emotional drive, but few touch on the more subtle qualities that will sustain them through challenges, like curiosity and fascination about what we do. These employees often became our next team leaders. – Reuben Yonatan, GetVoIP

3. Your Knowledge Of The Company’s Mission, Staff And Recent Work

Before going into an interview, do the research on the company. Know their mission, read the bios of the people who currently work there and be familiar with their recent work and their biggest successes. I had an applicant once reference members of our team by name and was able to speak knowledgeably on our recent projects. It was clear she was very invested in working for us. – Leila Lewis, Be Inspired PR

4. Follow-Up Questions On The Company’s Past Campaigns

Most candidates will do their research on the company and try to fluff the ego of the hiring manager. But when someone can dive into specifics of a past campaign and ask follow-up questions, those types of things stand out to me much more. I once had a candidate do an entire case study for a hypothetical project. Needless to say, he got the job. – Justin Lefkovitch, Mirrored Media

5. How You Overcame A Big Failure

In an interview, I constantly ask, “What’s your biggest failure and how did you overcome it?” Some of the answers I’ve received from that question have been memorable for me because they will often show me the type of character and drive that a job candidate has. – Alfredo Atanacio, Uassist.ME

6. Seemingly Unrelated Experience That Applies To The Job

One candidate once told me, “I have three years of experience as a raid leader in World of Warcraft.” Fair enough. This IT prospect was an oddball. When I asked her why she mentioned this, she replied: “Raids in this game can be an organizational nightmare. Everyone wants ‘X.'”After Google-checking these WoW raids, I decided to give her a go and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Reliable since day one. – Joey Bertschler, bitgrit

7. Product-Led Success Stories

For product companies, loyal users (either personal or in former companies) always rank higher during the recruitment process. Familiarity and relevance with the business needs and processes are adopted easily with applicants who already have a head start with the brand. And sharing a success story led by the product can absolutely be a nice touch in a cover letter. – Mario Peshev, DevriX

8. Your Feedback On A Recent Company Press Mention

Do your homework. I was impressed in a recent interview when a job candidate spoke in a detailed way about an online podcast interview I gave. I could tell that she had really done her homework and that our company mission truly resonated with her. She stood out because she demonstrated that she was serious about wanting to work for us specifically and that this wasn’t a generic position. – Rachel Beider, PRESS Modern Massage

9. Suggestions For Company Strategies

The more prepared the candidate is in understanding the challenges the business faces, the more impressive a candidate would look. Standout candidates that came to me with a list of accounts to go after and strategies on how to get connected with those accounts stood out. Not only are they prepared with their homework, but they were ready to be an A-player in the company. – Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS

10. Questions About Company Values

Throughout all of my years in business, one candidate asked in the early days, “What are your company values?” That made me start thinking about what values I should look for in candidates and how they will ultimately fit into our small culture. – Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

11. Your Willingness To Learn

The willingness to learn is always an indication of a good fit in my business. I once hired someone who didn’t have all the qualifications requested simply because they showed that they were learners. They were doing online courses, building content and had a variety of skills. Knowing that they were so willing to grow made it an easy decision to hire them. – Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner

12. The Interviewer’s Own Experience At The Company

One candidate asked, “How do you like working here?” Although this isn’t too uncommon, many candidates feel scared to ask the recruiter’s opinion, but they shouldn’t. It’s important to know how other people feel about working somewhere you could potentially be, so taking the time to ask this question shows you’re serious about the position. – Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

13. The Hiring Manager’s Reservations About You

At the end of an interview, a candidate asked me, “What reservations do you have about hiring me for this role?” It allowed me to address a concern I had about her lack of experience in one aspect of the role compared to other candidates and she was able to address that concern on the spot. I thought it was a bold, smart and effective way of making sure she could speak to all of her talents. – Kelsey Raymond, Influence & Co.

14. How You Would Improve The Business

I recently had a candidate offer up opportunities they believed would grow the business. This was an immediate indicator that he had done major research on the company, was willing to take initiative and come up with creative ideas on his own. It was a bold move during the interview, but I didn’t forget it and have found success with this hire. – Jared Weitz, United Capital Source Inc.

15. Where The Interviewer Sees The Company In The Future

We were interviewing a candidate once who asked us where we saw the company in a year, in five years and in 10 years. Although it is such a normal interview question, to have it proposed to us showed that she was thinking ahead, and wanted to make sure we were as well. – Zach Binder, Bell + Ivy



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