Home Business Entrepreneurs Council Post: Entrepreneurial Insights From A Former Artillery Gunner

Council Post: Entrepreneurial Insights From A Former Artillery Gunner

Council Post: Entrepreneurial Insights From A Former Artillery Gunner

My father served as an artillery officer in the Philippine military, prior to immigrating to Canada with our family in 2002. I was always curious about what he experienced, so seven years later, at the tender age of 17, I enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces. I joined up with the 7th Toronto Royal Canadian Artillery Regiment while also attending high school and college. When I wasn’t in the library, I was spending some of my weeknights, weekends and summer vacations on army bases, receiving formal military training and experience. Like my father, I chose to become an artillery gunner. I relished the excitement and the action I experienced. It felt great to overcome challenges — so much so that it gave me the confidence to start my own business. But back then, I didn’t fully realize how much my military training influenced my sustained success as a serial entrepreneur.

Here are the five major entrepreneurial takeaways I learned from the military.

Survive Your Limitations

The training pushed my limits constantly; rest is not abundantly provided to new recruits. Soldier qualification courses encompass all the basic field training new soldiers must experience to qualify for service. I learned how to patrol, attack in groups and push beyond physical limitations like sleep deprivation.

In the military, you identify and overcome your limitations for the sake of the mission. Being an entrepreneur is no different. I have spent many all-nighters completing work in my shop because my mission is to succeed at all costs. What are your limitations, and are you willing to survive them for the mission?

Fight Over Flight

The human body is truly amazing because of the defensive mechanisms it automatically assumes when presented with specific situations. For instance, when danger arises, the body prepares to either stand and fight or escape and retreat. The military taught me to stand and fight, ignoring fear and flight mechanisms caused by stress and high-pressure scenarios.

Starting your own business presents a major financial risk, and the idea of failure is scary for most. Do not let anxiety hold you back. I learned to trust in my training and use information to defeat the enemy. You can too.

Camaraderie Accomplishes The Operation

I remember one particular field training exercise where our platoon was tasked with digging trenches and fortifying a defensive position with a very tight timeline. The mission parameters required us to trust and rely on each other. I remember feeling proud of what we accomplished as a unit.

I’m thankful for that experience because it taught me the value of trust and teamwork. As my business expanded, I needed to hire employees to support my grand vision. All entrepreneurs must embrace camaraderie because your allies will provide support when the situation is dire.

Discipline Is Your Commanding Officer

There is no secret or mystery in the understanding of discipline. It’s actually quite mundane because at its core, it is simply following a plan. But people give up on their plans too quickly. Anybody can invent an excuse to abandon a mission, but it takes grit and confidence to follow through.

When I first secured my relationship with Tesla, I was overwhelmed by its high-volume demands. Did I retreat and run? Of course not. I maintained my duties, held my position and took solace knowing that my hard work would be noticed. And this inspired my employees to rise to the occasion and follow through themselves. Consider your work, and ask yourself, “Am I following the plan?”

Learn From Failed Missions

All soldiers, entrepreneurs and people experience failure from time to time. You may lose certain battles, but that doesn’t mean you won’t win the war. I have adopted business practices that didn’t work. I’ve hired employees who weren’t a good fit for the company. I’ve even had some unsatisfied customers. All that goes with the territory of running your own business. It’s never bad to make a mistake, but it is bad to ignore the reasons it occurred. You must frequently practice earnest evaluation of yourself and your business practices to avoid repeating your mistakes. Ask the hard questions, and face the answers.

One of the first lessons you learn as a soldier is nothing is guaranteed. No amount of training, study or practice ensures survival. The same can be said about business. When I started my military career, I was just a kid following in my father’s footsteps. But looking back, I can see how good those steps were for me. And I see how useful these insights can be for others. Your limitations are perceived by you and can be broken. Risk-taking is inherently entrepreneurial. Rely on your company — they can help. Follow the course, even when doubt and fear become alarming. And always learn from your mistakes, soldier.



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