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Council Post: Nine Expert-Recommended Strategies To Take Your Blog To The Next Level

Council Post: Nine Expert-Recommended Strategies To Take Your Blog To The Next Level

A blog is a great platform on which to share information and valuable content with your audience. It also presents a great opportunity to direct potential consumers your way based on your search engine optimization (SEO).

Whether it’s through video content or copywriting, blogging can be an essential tool for engaging potential leads and connections with your business. That’s why we asked nine members of Young Entrepreneur Council how to take your blog to the next level and the best way to implement those strategies for maximum effect. Here’s what they recommend.

1. Optimize Your Content Around Keywords

It’s not enough to publish thoughtful, informative content on your blog and hope consumers find it. The most effective way to take your blog to the next level is by taking an SEO content approach. Making the small change to optimize your blog posts around specific keywords your audience may be searching will help drive more qualified traffic to your site and thus potentially leading to new customers for your business. There are many free resources available to educate yourself on content SEO and how to get started, and paid resources to research keywords, help create and/or optimize your content and track your progress. One of our favorite tools for SEO content is Topic, which charges a nominal monthly fee to help you easily discover, craft and optimize content around relevant keywords. – Swapnil Shinde, Zeni Inc.

2. Write In An Authentic, First-Person Voice

Always write blogs from the first-person voice and provide an authentic personality while talking directly to the reader. Many company blogs are in the third person, and some don’t address the audience directly by using “you.” This doesn’t personalize the message or warm up to the emotions of the reader. My agency either recommends to use the plural pronoun “we” or, if the founder or other C-level exec has a major influence, to write everything from their voice. Again, this personalizes the message and appeals to the reader’s emotions. Remember, sales are built on emotions first and logic second. Appeal to emotions with your blog content, and then provide the best product or service you can to add some logic to that emotional appeal. – Ron Lieback, ContentMender

3. Integrate Video

Though video can be daunting, you really don’t need much. The current audience for video marketing is completely comfortable with videos that look more casual and amateur. Therefore, you don’t need high-level production and shoots. Just turn on the camera and speak about your expertise. Get it transcribed and post it on your blog. Videos are what blogs were 10 years ago. Companies that only blog can be seen as “the usual,” and companies that have videos come out are seen as ahead of the curve. It really doesn’t take much time to integrate but adds a whole extra layer of power for your site’s blog content. – Jason Khoo, Zupo

4. Create A Blogging ‘Ritual’

Create a ritual around your blog. In the past year, rituals and routines have been disrupted and then recreated. How can your blog become part of people’s routines? To make it more than just a go-to for information and valuable content, how do you ritualize that content? Is it tips for the week ahead? Is it Monday Motivation? Is it five ideas to make your business stronger this week? Wednesday Insights? Think about how you package your content in a way that ensures people are slotting you into their routines, not just thinking of you as a resource from time to time. – Britt Fero, PB&

5. Embed Social Media Content

Embed YouTube and Instagram posts to your blog, making it a welcoming page for your more creative content and boosting the SEO of your posts. Use the same titles, photos and content for all your social media accounts so it can all be in sync. – Daisy Jing, Banish

6. Refresh Older Blog Posts

Optimize some of your older posts and make them current. A great example would be if you wrote a piece on the top social media websites a few years back. Find that article, update it for this year and post it. That’s about the quickest way there is to bring your blog to the next level. – Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance

7. Focus On A Specific Topic Or Theme

I think that a great blog is one that focuses on a specific topic or theme. Many blogs fail to truly create comprehensive content around a specific topic so that people immediately go to it for any information they need about a subject. Categories, tags and other taxonomies should revolve around the topic, and the content should be narrow but detailed. This kind of approach also helps with SEO and can improve how much traffic comes to your site. – Blair Williams, MemberPress

8. Build An Email List Through Your Blog

I don’t think people use their blog enough to build a mailing list. Promoting a newsletter with a simple pop-up that shows up in front of your content is a great way to catch eyeballs and get people to subscribe. Maybe you want to make it so that they don’t necessarily have to subscribe to read the content, but if you don’t ask for them to subscribe, you’re missing an opportunity. You can use any number of lead capture software programs as funnel builders to make this happen, and you can integrate everything with an autoresponder so that you can follow up via email. Running a contest can inspire people to opt-in as well. – Amine Rahal, IronMonk Solutions

9. Get Creative With Content Types

You can take your blog to the next level by implementing different types of content. Using videos, infographics and other media draws in users’ attention and improves their engagement on your site. The more interesting elements you add to your blog, the more readers you’ll attract. So don’t be afraid to get creative with your blog posts and try something new.  – Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms



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