Home Business Entrepreneurs Council Post: The Development Of Infotainment In Video Marketing

Council Post: The Development Of Infotainment In Video Marketing

Council Post: The Development Of Infotainment In Video Marketing

By Torrey Tayenaka, a serial entrepreneur whose ventures include video marketing agency Sparkhouse, a nonprofit marketing firm and a smart shower.

Technology and innovation have shifted marketing from simple displays to infotainment. Consumers are bombarded with messages and advertisements, so if you want to grab their attention and gain their loyalty, you will need to offer something captivating and unique.

Technology And Innovation

Marketing is evolving. How people create and consume videos has changed, and more powerful technology like video streaming, virtual reality, augmented reality, visual effects and 3D animation are taking over. Technology advancement offers an opportunity to expand your brand reach. Some people watch videos on streaming platforms for hours, and they download them on their smartphones or computers. With shares, likes and views, you can get a return on investment as you engage with your audience.

How Video Can Help Grow Your Brand

Creating valuable and entertaining videos can grow your brand. For example, many companies use YouTube, one of the largest secondary search engines, to expand their brand awareness. Utilizing video advertisements that feature infotainment allows companies to expand their reach to an immense amount of people. YouTube is a platform that is more engaging and memorable than many other online marketing options. Opting for skippable ads, which can be skipped by the user after five seconds, is one way to save on costs while increasing brand recognition. By creating attention-grabbing content featuring your brand during the first five seconds of your infotainment advertisement, your company’s brand awareness will increase even if the majority of users skip the full version of your video. 

Video content can also help you build a global community with potentially millions of subscribers. You can easily tailor your ads to appeal to the niche audience of your choice. By making your infotainment ads evoke feelings of being part of a group, you can cultivate a community that identifies with your message and your brand. This significantly increases conversions and creates brand loyalty.

Tell Your Story

Infotainment helps you to tell a story behind your company brand in an exciting and entertaining style. You need consumers to pay attention to your brand and products by telling them a story they can relate to. Creating a video that tells an exciting story about your brand will help consumers remember it, and it will stay in their minds for much longer. Consumers are in charge, and with everything you do in marketing, you need to deliver what the consumer wants, how they want it, to get their attention. This is the new consumer reality.

Content Creation

Professionally produced videos can help you deliver high-quality, relevant and helpful content. Valuable content that will solve the consumer’s problem will create loyalty and trust in your brand and lead to brand growth with higher conversion rates. Quality content will help build a trust relationship, and consumers will develop an interest in your products or services. Optimize your content so that your consumers can quickly find it using search engines.

User Experience

User experience is at the core of video marketing. Today you need to include it to market your brand successfully. Continuously innovating how to improve the user experience will make all the difference. When you create your video, you need to keep innovating and using features that will make it perform better. Not only should the video entertain the consumer, but it should give them a smooth experience. The time it takes to load is one of the factors you can consider, as is the quality of the video.


Data will help you to be effective in your marketing campaign. Analytics on consumer behavior will help you make the best decisions. Creating top-quality, entertaining and informative videos that target a specific audience is critical.

Understanding how your consumers will access your video is equally important. If your consumers access your videos on the go, making your content mobile-friendly is a perfect idea.

You can understand consumer behavior by analyzing data regarding when your customers watch your videos and what devices they use.


Infotainment and video marketing help promote brand awareness and brand loyalty and build trust and relationships with consumers. Providing top content that is valuable, entertaining and available to the consumer will help in your brand growth.



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