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How Does Your Financial Future Change From These Unexpected Good Things That Will Come Out Of This Crisis?

How Does Your Financial Future Change From These Unexpected Good Things That Will Come Out Of This Crisis?

One day this will all be behind us. And when it is, we may just discover some good has come of it.

“Anytime you go through a once in a 100-year event you will learn things and be better for it,” says David S. Richmond, Chairman & Co-Owner, Richmond Brothers, Inc. Jackson, Michigan. “That is true individually, collectively and as a government. So we will learn all kinds of things from being more prepared (financially) to new ways to do things. There will be consequences for each of these learnings and out of that will rise a new normal.”

If you’re like many others, you may be having second thoughts on your financial priorities right now. That’s a good thing. It signals a return to fundamentals. And fundamentals are a necessary component for building a strong future.

“The best thing that I see coming out of this crisis is that everyone is realizing that it’s not just rhetoric to have three-to-six months of savings on-hand for a rainy day,” says Michael Gerstman, CEO of the Dallas-based financial planning firm, Gerstman Financial Group, LLC. “With so many people being stuck at home, laid off or furloughed, their income has come to a grinding halt for the time being. This is proof positive of the truth behind saving for a rainy day.”

How do you save more when things are tight to begin with? Well, it starts by taking a look at what has been constraining your net cash flow.

“This would be a great time to evaluate debts, try to minimize excess spending and pivot toward saving,” says Karen McIntyre, Fiduciary Investment Advisor at UnifiedTrust in Lexington, Kentucky. “Building up emergency savings accounts and putting more away for retirement are great places to start.”

It’s more than just spending though; it’s how you may have been funding that spending. When times are flush with cash, loan payments don’t seem so bad. But when income suffers, debt service can take on an unbearable load.

This is one reason why you want to make sure you retire debt-free. Still, there’s something to be said for holding back on borrowing during your peak earning years. You can look to earlier generations for examples here.

“Baby boomers will become a bit more like their parents—more prudent,” says Kelly Crane, President & Chief Investment Officer at Napa Valley Wealth Management in Saint Helena, California. “The Builder generation included savers that held fast to a no-debt mentality. In contrast, boomers have always been more willing to carry risk than their parents—buying expensive houses later in life, willing to carry credit card debt, allocating more to discretionary spending. We’re already seeing boomers—both retired and not—sharpening their pencils, evaluating retirement cashflow plans and reviewing discretionary expenses.”

In a sense, stay-at-home policies have given people a chance to feel what retirement is going to be like. It’s changing the workforce and it’s changing businesses’ ideas regarding employment. As hard as this might seem at the moment, it will pave the way for more robust retirement.

If you’re bored now, you’re going to be bored in retirement. It won’t have to be that way, however.

“With large portions of America transitioning to working from home, I think we will see more remote job opportunities in the future,” says Rhian Horgan, CEO at Kindur in New York City. “For example, right now Outschool.com is looking for 5,000 individuals to teach online classes, where instructors earn on average $40/ hour. Also, NYC is looking for retired doctors and nurses to support COVID-19 efforts. For retirees this is particularly interesting as it allows for a more flexible transition into retirement at a time when many retirees are wondering if they will have sufficient retirement income.”

If you’re a business owner or have entrepreneurial intentions, a vast array of fruitful prospects lie on the horizon. It starts, for those already in business, with a better understanding of how to build a solid customer base.

“We will be smarter about having emergency reserves in times of disaster,” says Tony Felice, Founder and CEO of Felice Agency in Phoenix. “We will re-evaluate how we do business. I will diversify my portfolio of clients. We were too heavy on restaurant, retail and B2C.”

Beyond internal finances and marketing tactics, both home-based working and heavier reliance on internet-based systems will uncover successful strategies that will stick around long after the virus has gone away.

“This is a ‘forced change,’” says Matt Reiner, CEO of Benjamin in Atlanta. “Companies are going to realize that they are able to get things done from home and via video conferencing; thus, maybe not have to have such a high travel budget. Potentially, businesses will see more remote work makes sense, which means less office space will be needed or their pool of potential new employees is expanded outside of their current local city.”

Nowhere is this “forced change” more evident than in the restaurant industry. “They are constantly innovating right now in order to stay open,” says Reiner. “Many restaurants may find that doing delivery is a better business option—less overhead because you may need smaller space and fewer people. Many businesses will be forced to adapt to these changing times.”

Even the legal industry has discovered efficiencies through electronic messaging, thanks to state regulators recognizing the urgency of things. “One unexpected development from COVID-19 is that legislation is passing to allow people to notarize digitally in more and more states, allowing for a full digital will,” says Patrick Hicks, Head of Legal at Trust and Will in San Diego. “This allows more accessibility to people looking to plan for their futures online.”

You can now see the vulnerabilities of Just-In-Time logistics in the manufacturing industry. Like debt leverage, this form of inventory management has its theoretical advantages. In certain environments it proves an effective policy. The downside, though, dwarfs the upside. Expect a realignment in supply-chain approaches.

“Americans have learned a valuable lesson regarding manufacturing in a country that could potentially be a hostile actor towards us in the future (China),” says Jeff Mount, President of Real Intelligence LLC in Fairfield, Connecticut. “There is no question pharmaceutical companies will manufacture products in the United States (as well as other countries) moving forward as a way of controlling our own outcomes in times like these. Other industries will follow. This presents Americans with job opportunities, which will be needed to help us heal from rising unemployment during this crisis.”

For entrepreneurs, the best is yet to come. Behavioral changes due to the present situation “will result in a post-crisis acceleration of the digitalization of the economy,” says Denis Barrier, CEO and co-founder of San Francisco-based Cathay Innovation. “If startups take the right steps now, they’ll be able to exit the crisis and rebound strongly with ample opportunity to accelerate reach after the crisis subsides.”

Not only will the world today spawn innovative solutions with sustained and solid profits, it may also inspire a new generation that will soon emerge into the nation’s workforce. Think of COVID-19 as the same kind of watershed event as the Sputnik launch. Its impact can create a new mindset.

“Students will pursue meaningful careers,” says Brian Berkenhoff, Owner and Financial Advisor at Birch Investment Management in Brookings, South Dakota. “We could see thousands of high schoolers and college students choose to do good in the world. Instead of pursuing careers in finance they will look towards science, healthcare, technology, and social work.”

All this comes from a heightened sensitivity to others. Ironically, forced isolation has made individuals more aware of their neighbors.

“The best outcome for this crisis is that our citizens unite in community,” says Jose Cuevas, Vice President and Director of Financial Planning for Wisdom Investments in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. “The crisis has brought families and friends closer together as they look to fulfill each other’s needs and look past their own desires.”

You benefit from this in two ways. First, others are more attentive to your needs, meaning you’re more likely to have your wishes fulfilled. Second, in paying more attention to the needs of others, you’re more likely to improve your career, your business and your lifetime prospects.

Don’t despair when you read today’s depressing headlines. America has been here before. And, like a Phoenix, it has always risen from these ashes to far greater, even unimaginable, heights.

“Adaption is one of the best aspects of the human race,” says Reiner. “We figure things out when times get tough and use those lessons to change the way we live and interact.”

And that’s a good thing.




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