Home Business Entrepreneurs How This Entrepreneur Is Keeping Bosses Out Of Court And Employees Safe

How This Entrepreneur Is Keeping Bosses Out Of Court And Employees Safe


Bad behavior in the workplace costs businesses their reputation, operational survival and ultimately employee livelihoods.

Whether it’s the mishandling of data or the laundering of money, companies and their senior managements are increasingly being legally held to account for violations by their employees and other associated individuals, regardless of whether or not they sanctioned the violations, or had any knowledge of them being committed.

Effective compliance training is the best weapon in the war on bad workplace behavior, and with the coronavirus pandemic forcing a large proportion of the working population to work from home, it needs to be high quality online compliance training. However, it is in short supply.

Tech entrepreneur Vivek Dodd, founder of compliance e-learning and regtech firm Skillcast, has made it his mission to fill this vital gap with training that is engaging and personalized, and helps companies meet the compliance challenge by diagnosing behavioral indicators, and recording and evidencing staff compliance.

He says: “Never has online delivery been more important than now, in the storm of a pandemic, when any other form of training delivery is impossible. It enables the key business messages to reach every single person in a consistent manner. From their answers to online questions about their level of understanding we can accurately assess whether the learner has grasped all concepts, whether they need further training, or whether they are fully competent. It’s impossible to know this is a classroom setting.”

Dodd grew up in India, earning his first degree from IIT Delhi in India before receiving a scholarship for a master’s degree at MIT in Boston. In 1993 he headed to London to start working for JP Morgan where he started as an analyst but switched to trading after attending their six-month training program on Wall Street.

“That program really sparked my interest in eLearning,” he says. “I started by building simple simulations to teach asset and derivatives pricing, and in 1999 I left the bank to begin my first foray into my first e-learning business.”

That business was Knowledge Applications, which provided a range of training programs for financial institutions, from pricing bonds and derivatives to regulatory compliance, as well as online training for the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exams.

“Sadly, the business ran out of cash when the dot-com bubble burst,” says Dodd. “But instead of giving up, the directors; Catriona Razic, Anthony Miller and myself, regrouped to start a new eLearning business, Inmarkets, which we later renamed Skillcast.”

Founded in 2006 and bootstrapped on credit card debt and family loans, Skillcast focused exclusively on compliance for the financial sector. Then in 2008 the global financial crisis began to unfold.

Dodd explains: “At that time, we were almost entirely dependent on financial services clients in London and New York – our largest client was Lehman Brothers – and we took a major hit. In 2009 we were at our lowest point and couldn’t even afford to pay wages. The directors went unpaid for months and we borrowed on credit cards to pay the remaining staff.”

As the economy rebounded the Skillcast team increased the pace of innovation in technology, content and service, developing an eLearning program, in collaboration with Transparency International and FTI, that became the gold standard in anti-bribery eLearning.

The company also extended its compliance training to non-financial organizations, and today works with more than 600 firms in the U.K. and the E.U. including Tesco, The Royal Mail, Unicredit and Barclays, and a large number of SMEs, to improve ethics and compliance in their workplaces. To date Skillcast has trained over a million employees.

Headquartered in London with offices in Malta, Skillcast employs a team of 80 and is on track to turn over £10 million ($12.3 million) this year. Having survived the dot.com crash, and a global recession Dodd is now dealing with the challenges of a global pandemic. Like other service-orientated firms Skillcast has had to transition its own workforce to full remote home working, which it managed to complete in a single day.

He says: “We had a few hiccups and our managers needed to support staff more actively, but we used this experience to create new training modules for those working at home and to help companies support their employees in this situation. We’re now offering these resources free to other companies as a part of the national effort to rebuild in the face of this crisis.”

Dodd believes that the need for compliance eLearning and compliance monitoring and support will be greater than ever, as compliance with laws concerning money laundering, bribery, tax evasion, health and safety, equality, harassment, including the online variety, can’t be suspended just because companies are dealing with the current crisis situation.

“With staff working remotely, and likely to be for the foreseeable future, keeping compliance at the top of their minds and making it easier for them to comply is absolutely crucial,” he says. “The last thing any company needs is to manage their response to the Covid-19 crisis, only to walk straight into a new crisis of their own making because an employee has violated a law or a company policy.”



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