Home Business Entrepreneurs How To Combine Your Marketing Techniques For Industry Ownership

How To Combine Your Marketing Techniques For Industry Ownership

How To Combine Your Marketing Techniques For Industry Ownership

Marketing techniques vary from one industry to the next and, arguably, from one year to the next. However, like a well-made suit, the best marketing techniques never go out of style. Compelling storytelling, intriguing headlines and standout imagery are just a few effective techniques that have stood the test of time.

Yet gaining industry ownership and becoming a market leader take skill and an aptitude for being on the cutting edge. No good business or brand today just coasts. And if they are coasting, well, they likely won’t be around for too much longer. Remember Blockbuster, BlackBerry or even Myspace?

Successful, impactful business leaders are committed to the work and can dominate an industry because they have put in the time and energy. So where to start?

First, it’s essential to combine multiple techniques to reach consumers across various platforms. That said, there are three underlying marketing techniques to keep in mind no matter your industry. Creating high-quality content, placing it strategically and aligning it with your brand’s overall purpose or intent is a winning combo for gaining momentum and industry ownership. 

1. Quality

Consumers spend upward of 7.5 hours per day consuming media content. Making a good first impression starts with high-quality, well-executed content.

Nobody likes to be led astray—not least online consumers—so it’s important to ensure all content is both thoughtful and concise. Content should always be edited for grammar (proofread, proofread, proofread!) and free of unnecessary, superfluous information. Think clean and lean rather than complex and detailed.

Copy should add to the conversation and provide thoughtful takeaways and purposeful solutions. Such content will attract more visitors to your site and foster brand credibility.

Value-added content can also lead to backlinking from other high-authority businesses and media outlets. All it takes is a few backlinks to get more viewers and, thereby, more consumers’ eyeballs on your site. 

2. Strategy

Once you have your content up to par, it’s time to think about where you will place it. How will consumers get to this worthy information? Is the content best designed for a blog post on your site, or will it receive more traffic and engagement if you post it on a social platform or send it via branded newsletter? Do consumers expect this type of information, or is it something entirely new?

Answering these types of questions can be useful in developing your content strategy and maximizing site content. You will likely have several platforms to choose from when it comes to content creation and distribution. What works well on one platform won’t necessarily work well on another. 

Fortunately, the subject matter doesn’t have to be entirely different. Rather, you just need to adapt the way you deliver the content to better serve a platform’s particular audience.

Take LinkedIn, for instance. Press releases, business news and white papers tend to perform well here, which makes sense. Users come to LinkedIn expecting to consume business and industry updates. On LinkedIn, your white paper outlining a bold new product development strategy could cause a sensation.

That white paper probably won’t generate the same interest on Instagram, though, as the platform’s audience is seeking imagery and video content. What could perform well on Instagram is an infographic or video highlighting a particular aspect of the white paper, such as an attention-grabbing statistic or fascinating lesson learned.

Adaptability is all part of strategic thinking. Creating a flexible content marketing plan ensures your content is tuned in to the everchanging news-cycle, market and other factors relevant to your industry. 

3. Alignment

Lastly, crafting content to maximize alignment with the company or brand’s purpose is essential to outlasting the competition. Just as track runners need to stay in their own individual lanes, so do brands. One brand can’t—and shouldn’t—do all and be all for consumers. Companies need to have a specific focus and make this purpose known in their mission and value statements.

The easiest way to stay focused is to use a set of targeted keywords. What words do you want your audience members to associate with your business? Start by thinking of keywords that make the most sense, and then verify this list of words by doing some research on Google. (This is also where Google Ads Keyword Planner can come into play.) 

Are competing brands among the top search results? If so, you have your work cut out for you. To raise your own rankings, you’ll need to start developing content that aligns with these SEO keywords. Doing competitor analysis and research can also be useful in determining which specific keywords align best.

Remember to keep it simple—nobody goes on Google with a thesaurus in hand. The best SEO keywords are typically short, uncomplicated words or phrases. For example, choose “keto snacks” over “healthy high fat–content food choices.”

Industry ownership is not going to happen overnight. Some marketing techniques will work better than others, and some may not work at all. That’s to be expected. 

It takes investigation and perseverance to really understand the needs of consumers, meet them where they are and be there for them when they are seeking information or assistance. If you can achieve these things, you’ll be well on your way to owning your industry.



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