Home Business Entrepreneurs How To Make Networking Human Again

How To Make Networking Human Again

How To Make Networking Human Again

There’s no denying the power of networking.

85% of jobs are found through personal networks.

80% of professionals consider professional networking to be important to career success. 

A few years ago, I co-founded a social impact startup called Veterati. Our mission was to help Veterans build networks of mentors who could help them get access to the 85% of jobs that exist in networks of trust. It grew to become the #1 mentoring network for the military, creating $100 million+ in economic wealth to date for previously unemployed Veterans & military spouses. 

That’s the power of networks. The power of people at their best, giving, in service, seeking to help others, seeking to learn.

Then for a period of time I was in the enterprise sales world. 

And I discovered something terrifying. In that world, people are transactions. Dollar signs. Deals in the making.

The incredible power of the human network was reduced to ROI. 

The reason for networking was to sell. The reason for attending conferences was to collect connections. 

This made me think:

When did we start seeing human beings as dollar signs? Deals in the making? 

When did eye contact become a sales tactic?

When did we start collecting people like objects?

When did we lose our collective humanity? 

This breaks my heart, because to me, networking has never been transactional. People come first, always. Networking has the potential to facilitate human connection in the most authentic of ways: Non-transactional. Humanizing. Empathetic. Compassionate. Finding ways to give, serve, understand, listen deeply. Beginner’s mindset: there’s something to learn from everyone. 

So, how can we make networking human again?

It starts with exploring each other as whole humans. Not titles. Not transactions. As parents, sisters, brothers, friends, unique and curious individuals with quirks and idiosyncrasies. 

It starts with seeing each other as more than a deal or job opportunity, but looking deep because we believe that there is always a story worth hearing. That each human has decades of learning, suffering, joy, and life lessons worth learning.

It starts with taking the time to be truly present. Because attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. Because every conversation is an opportunity to put presence, awareness, deep listening, compassion into practice. Every meeting, a meeting of the mind & soul, to seek to understand the wonder that is this human who so generously chooses to give you their most valuable gift – their time.

In a world where the majority of people think there’s value in networking, yet the majority of people also feel immensely disconnected and dehumanized, it’s time to rethink networking. 

To design a better way to network, a more human way to network, a deeper way to network. 

Where the intention is far from superficial or transactional.

Where the purpose of networking is to make a deeply human and meaningful connection.  

To give more than you take. 

To learn something new and share something insightful. 

Where we start with trust and mutual understanding, and build business from there.

Deep Networking is the POLAR OPPOSITE of traditional networking: it is not transactional, not superficial, not about “what I can get from you.” 

Deep Networking IS about understanding the whole human, asking “what can I learn? How can I help?” It’s a better way to network.

Over the last year, I’ve been exploring what software to power Deep Networking can look like: for the workplace, digital communities, virtual events. At twine, Deep Networking means a better way for remote teams & virtual event attendees to network, taking all the lessons above and translating them into highly empathic software.

I’m hopeful there are more startups out there that are also seeking to make networking human again. In a more digital, remote, and disconnected world, the last thing we need is to dehumanize the thing that makes us most human – the meaning and integrity of our relationships.



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