Home Business Entrepreneurs Top 5 New And Notable Business Podcasts For 2021

Top 5 New And Notable Business Podcasts For 2021

Top 5 New And Notable Business Podcasts For 2021

Chances are you’ve got a go-to podcast or two. 

After all, they’re ideal for multi-taskers—you can listen while you wait for your computer to update, or for your newest video course to upload, or while scoping out this week’s analytics for your website. 

And while there are tons of great business podcasts out there, these are the ones I’m listening to in 2021. 

Over the Wall with Rob LoCascio

Over the Wall is a new podcast started by the inventor of live chat for brands (yes, you read that right), Rob LoCascio. 

LoCascio is one of the tech industry’s longest-serving founding CEOs—he’s been CEO of the multibillion-dollar live chat and conversational AI company he founded, LivePerson, for more than 25 years. That’s a rarity in the fast-paced tech world. 

Now, in addition to running LivePerson, he’s started Over the Wall, a podcast dedicated to sharing lessons from his own decades-long entrepreneurial journey as well as insights from some of the world’s greatest artists, spiritualists, people of faith, and others on what it takes to be a successful business leader, from their biggest mistakes to the most important lessons learned.

His first episode, which you can find on YouTube, is a remembrance of the late Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappo’s, LoCascio talks with two of Hsieh’s best friends and colleagues, discussing   Hsieh’s incredible contributions to the world. 

This podcast is ideal for those who want a deeper, more nuanced take on entrepreneurship—one focused on purpose and meaning. 

Spotify / Apple Podcasts

WTF: What’s the Future? 

Hosted by Brian Solis, Salesforce’s Global Innovation Evangelist and a best-selling author, WTF tackles topics around the concept of digital Darwinism—the idea that technology and society are currently changing faster than businesses can naturally adapt. Just as with plants and animals, only the businesses that can adapt will survive. 

Solis interviews people from across the business spectrum in easy-to-digest, yet in-depth conversations, making these ideal for your commute (if and when you have one again) or your workout.

Recent topics have included everything from creativity, to financial freedom, to how to truly disrupt an industry. 

Spotify / Apple Podcasts

Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs Invites 

If you enjoy hearing from some of the highest achievers in the realm of entrepreneurship, then this podcast is for you. 

One of the episodes I’ve found most compelling is “Business Transformation: From Insolvency to a $3 Billion Multinational,” a conversation with CEO Mark E. Watson III. 

Spotify / Apple Podcasts

Peak Performance Life

Although this podcast isn’t strictly about business, I’m including it here because the host, Talor Zamir, is a hugely successful entrepreneur who shares wellness tips to help other entrepreneurs perform at their very best. 

What I find most helpful are the practical tips for things like better sleep, sharper focus, and more energy, but I also like some of the more scientific discussions—for example, about nutritional supplements and what meditation does to your brain.

Spotify / Apple Podcasts

The Backpack Show

Ok, ok, this business interview show isn’t a podcast—it’s a live streamed TV show—but I had to include it because it’s one of my favorites. 

Host Chris Brogan does entertaining, fun, and valuable interviews with business leaders from across the spectrum on important topics like leadership, courage, innovation, and more. The idea behind “the backpack,” he says, is to give listeners tools they can put in their own business backpacks to become better leaders. 


Happy listening!



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