Home Business Entrepreneurs Tough Times Call For Creative Funding – Check Out Kickfurther’s Clever Model

Tough Times Call For Creative Funding – Check Out Kickfurther’s Clever Model

Tough Times Call For Creative Funding – Check Out Kickfurther’s Clever Model

Kickfurther has developed a creative method of consignment crowdfunding that is proving critical for a number of companies which cannot access traditional funding sources. The company’s business model provides financing, primarily to fund the inventory of companies with a solid track record of online sales. The model is highly attractive in the current pandemic marketplace, in which online sales are reaching record levels, yet small to medium size businesses (SMBs) are finding traditional financing sources difficult to access.

Kickfurther is an extension of traditional crowdfunding, in which sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter allow backers to pre-purchase products which have not yet been created. With Kickfurther, backers fund the creators’ inventories on consignment and are repaid as the products are sold to retail customers. To use Kickfurther’s syntax, the “Buyers” back the goods created by the “Brands.” 

Kickfurther Arose From An Entrepreneur Solving His Capital Crises

I became familiar with Kickfurther through a company I am advising, CLIQ Products. The CLIQ team is launching their water-bottle size mobile chair on Amazon and have been extremely satisfied with your Kickfurther’s professionalism and support.

Despite his impacted schedule, Kickfurther’s Co-founder and CEO, Sean De Clercq agreed to connect with me and share his insights regarding the company’s origins, business model pivots and how it’s thriving during the new-normal of life during a pandemic. (Note: Sean’s remarks have been lightly edited for brevity and readability.)

John Greathouse: Thanks for taking time out Sean. I understand you launched Kickfurther during the Fall of 2014. What is the company origin story and how have you morphed your business model over the past seven years? 

Sean De Clercq: That’s correct John, we funded our first deal in November of 2014. The idea for this business came out of my own encounter with the problem we solve for business owners today. 

I grew up in the world of supply chain management. My family has been running a sourcing office out of Beijing China for over forty years. After learning the ropes in the family business, I struck out on my own and started a merchandising company. In just two years, we had grown the merchandising company to over one million dollars in trailing twelve months revenue.

I, like every other product business, had to pay my factory to make my inventory before I could get paid for selling it. This wasn’t a problem in the first year, but, as the business ramped, the funding requirements increased. In the second year I went out to market to find financing for my business. The options I found were prohibitively expensive, often charging more than 5% a month. Simultaneously, my sister raised almost $30,000 on Kickstarter. It seemed like there was an opportunity to do something big.

At Kickfurther, we bring those two concepts together with a marketplace model that connects businesses looking for inventory funding with an online community of buyers that are looking to earn profits from supporting these businesses.

Greathouse: I’m not surprised that the genesis of the idea had something to do with a crowdfunding campaign… nothing better than solving your own problems.

I realize that your business models differs significantly from pre-product crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. However, for those readers who might not be familiar with your approach, please explain how your business works. 

De Clercq: Traditional crowdfunding is a great way to bring a product to market, gauge the size of the opportunity, and fund a first production run. What happens after that stage, whether or not traditional crowdfunding was involved, can be a debilitating cash-flow pinch. We see this with many of our clients. They usually have cash on hand to fund the first couple production runs, but, when sales skyrocket on eCommerce and then maybe some large wholesale orders are placed, the cost to produce the next round of inventory can seem insurmountable. 

Our clients can fund the production of their inventory from our community of buyers and sell that inventory to whomever they like. That’s the main difference between us and traditional crowdfunding. Our buyers are not participating in the funding to purchase one or two units of product at a discount. They are providing funds for the business in exchange for a “Co-Op Profit” that the business pays them, which ranges from about 0.8% to 2% per month, depending on the business and the terms of the deal.

 Basically, what we do is fund inventory that the brand is producing, then consign it to them to sell on Kickfurther’s behalf. As the inventory sells, the brand is invoiced for those sales. Those payments come to Kickfurther and are distributed to the buyers until enough inventory is sold to fulfill the obligation. This structure allows each brand to structure their Co-Op (consignment opportunity) based on projections for their actual cash-flows.

Greathouse: Got it. You’re offering funding at a critical juncture in a venture’s maturation – good on you. SMB’s are currently facing unprecedented uncertainty, which makes alternative funding sources more critical than ever. How has the pandemic impacted your business… and what changes, if any, have you put in place to better serve your Brands and Buyers?

De Clercq: It certainly has been a tough couple months out there. We are aware that a number of other funding providers have halted originations. Fortunately for us, we’ve continued to operate quite successfully in this environment. One of the benefits to the marketplace model is that businesses have the ability to adjust what they offer to buyers based on perceived appetite. 

With the goal of maintaining successful execution across our clients’ Co-Ops, we’ve instituted some changes to our qualification process wherein we require businesses to provide additional information about how the virus might impact them. Additionally, we directed our focus to products categories that have not been negatively impacted by this environment or have even seen increases in sales.

Greathouse: One thing I really like about your model is that folks can support small and medium size businesses during the pandemic, while earning a return on their money. 

De Clercq: We are happy to be providing a solution that not only helps businesses during challenging times, but also enables buyers to profit on Kickfurther.

We know this is a particularly trying time and we have a one-time promotion active right now where we are offering a 3% credit for any users who deposit funds through (Automated Clearing House’s electronic payment system). If you’re looking for a great way to support American entrepreneurs during this crisis, we’re making Kickfurther as welcoming as possible.

Greathouse: Nice. I know that you have your Brands complete a “test” to ensure they fully understand the business model. That’s a clever approach – what was the impetus for the test? 

De Clercq: Indeed… We have our clients complete a test before they accept funding through Kickfurther. The goal is to make sure they know what they are signing up for. We all know that contracts are dense and not always so thoroughly reviewed. Therefore, a required test to explain outcomes in various unforeseen scenarios has proven very helpful to prepare a business owner for how they will be expected to proceed in those instances. 

The test also illustrates that this isn’t a loan but a true consignment of inventory. Generally, there is a bit of learning curve associated with that, but most brands love how simple it is once they’ve adopted our process. 

Greathouse: It makes total sense. When I was an Operator, I always included several numerical examples in my contracts, so various outcomes were crystal clear to all the parties. Nothing drives home the terms of an agreement better than specific potential outcomes.

You have created a two-sided market, Brands and Buyers, which is notoriously challenging. How did you initially jump start both sides of the market and what have you done to keep the growth of the two segments in relative sync?

De Clercq: It’s challenging? How come no one told me? 

Jokes aside, the early days of Kickfurther were very interesting. Finding businesses was relatively straightforward. We went to Kickstarter and IndieGoGo and called every company that had successfully completed a campaign until we found one willing to try out the Kickfurther platform.

We found users with guerrilla marketing tactics. Doing things like hosting AMA’s (ask me anything sessions) on Reddit or offering advice in threads and gently nudging people in the direction of Kickfurther. Lots of self-promotion and grinding. From there, we deployed a user referral program and that is when it really took off. 

Today, we have a growth strategy in place to bring new businesses to the platform. We use a combination of digital marketing, partnerships, event marketing, and referrals to drive business acquisition.

Greathouse: How many Brands have you helped, so far? 

De Clercq: The last two years have resulted in very exciting growth for us, as well as confirmation that our model is effective at vetting companies for strong performing Co-Ops. We are just over $44 million funded across about 800 Co-Ops. We have about 10,000 users that are subscribed to receive notifications for new Co-Ops, so our deals fund quickly. In the last year, our median funding time is under one hour.

Greathouse: Tell us about some of the most successful campaigns you helped with – what are the typical characteristics of a successful campaign?

De Clercq: This is the most fun part – we have seen so many clients go from a couple hundred thousand in sales to many, many millions. One business that comes to mind is TAME the BEAST, a client in the health and beauty space. They have funded more than $1.7 million with us over thirteen Co-Ops, with their revenue multiplying many times over in that same time period. 

We generally work with brands that have a trailing twelve-month revenue range of about $500,000 to $15 million. In certain cases, we’ll work with eCommerce brands whose revenue are over $150,000 in the last twelve months. What’s cool is that we can customize each client’s timeline based on how long it takes to make their goods, ship out those goods to their customers, and then get paid by their customers. 

Greathouse: Have Brands done multiple campaigns with Kickfurther? 

De Clercq: Yes – we average about four Co-Ops per client. Generally, each Co-Op is tied to a specific production run. Depending on how often a client produces inventory, they might do more or less Co-Ops per year. This allows them to tie their financing directly to their capital needs and cash flows. This customer retention metric has been a really good affirmation for us in terms of the value we bring to our clients.



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