Home Business Entrepreneurs We Can’t Buy Our Way Out Of Quarantine

We Can’t Buy Our Way Out Of Quarantine

We Can’t Buy Our Way Out Of Quarantine

Jessica Herrin, founder of Stella & Dot, knows all too well what it’s like to startup a business while having a family. Herrin started Stella & Dot in her living room while pregnant with her first child and has grown the business alongside her children.

I was excited to chat with Jessica because not only does she have a business that helps women build income flexibly, but she’s a mom who is also trying to navigate running a business while being in quarantine.

We both chuckled as we talked about the challenges of trying to run our businesses from home with a full house. “No amount of money will solve that problem,” I said. “We can’t hire a nanny, we can’t take our kids to a friend’s house, we can’t head to a coffee shop or a co-working space to get some work done. So what do we do?”

I was curious to know how she was getting her work done and if she had any advice or tips for working parents trying to keep it all together.


“Right now, there is only so much that can get done in a day. It’s best to surrender to the fact that you won’t be as productive as you had been before quarantine. Make peace with that and focus your attention on what needs to really get done,” says Herrin. “You might have to lower the bar for a little while, and that’s ok. Define the top two or three things that will make a difference in your business and get those done. The rest can wait.” 

Let Elsa Babysit

“No parent feels great about plopping their child in front of the TV for hours on end, but drastic times call for drastic measures. Who could have predicted that in 2020, we’d all be quarantined in their homes with no end date sight? If your livelihood depends on getting some work done at home, a kids movie or two can be a lifesaver, “ notes Herrin. “Your kiddos will be fine if they’ve had a little extra TV time during this pandemic. Let yourself off the hook and use whatever means necessary to keep the ship sailing.” 

Kick The Guilt

“Guilt will never serve you or your business. It also won’t help serve your family or your relationships – so kick it to the curb. Focusing on feeling guilty will cloud your thinking and that won’t help you to problem solve. The entire world is working through this pandemic and you have to get creative,” she says. “Your job isn’t to entertain your children every hour of the day. This is a good opportunity for them to see how you earn a living, pitch in around the house to keep the family going, as well as learn how to entertain and play by themselves.” 

It’s Difficult For Everyone

“It may not feel like it right now, but this really is just a short period of time and it’s difficult for everyone. Do your best to be kind and patient to yourself and others,” reminds Herrin. “Emotionally, we are all in different places – so remember that this isn’t easy for anyone and the best thing we can do is recognize that and be kind to one another.” 

Connect & Share

“In the Stella & Dot online community, we have so many women connecting and sharing ideas. From Zoom Margarita Parties to furloughed teachers sharing ways to continue lessons at home. It’s been so amazing to see how gathering together – even digitally – lifts spirits and fosters connection,” notes Herrin.

If you find you are struggling – use digital means to connect with others. Marco Polo, Voxer, Facetime, Zoom, etc. are great tools to reach out and get a little social connection.

Out Of Struggle Comes Innovation

“Because we’ve all been thrown into this together, we will all emerge with new strengths and ideas. Look for ways to redefine ‘normal’ and new ways to serve your customers and clients. This is an opportunity to innovate.”

These are great reminders for us all as we do our best to love on our families, run our businesses, homeschool, and do our part for our communities.



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