Home Business Entrepreneurs Why Investing In Cybersecurity Makes Sense Right Now

Why Investing In Cybersecurity Makes Sense Right Now


It seems like new major cybersecurity breaches happen every day. While big-name victims like Adobe or Equifax tend to grab headlines, companies of every size are at increasingly high risk of an attack. 

As your business draws more and more value from its data, you start to carry larger and larger risks. With data-fueled applications projected to generate $13 trillion worth of new economic activity by 2030, companies of all sizes need to be prepared to protect themselves against what might come next. 

Despite the growing need for affordable protection, powerful cybersecurity solutions are normally reserved for the biggest businesses. With the digital economy growing at an unprecedented rate, all companies need systems and processes that can give them what they need — at a price that works. 

The Need for Cybersecurity

In March, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was hit by a powerful cyberattack that had the potential to seriously disrupt its systems. Businesses and organizations are struggling to cope with the effects of COVID-19, and the last thing they need is a cyberattack that puts them out of commission temporarily.

As COVID-19 forces larger numbers of businesses to take their operations online, the need for a strong cybersecurity platform becomes more crucial. In a typical office setting, a centralized security option can cover an office’s Wi-Fi and desktop computers. But how well do these solutions fare when your workers start going home?

Eighty-seven percent of businesses report that profitability would increase if they could adopt an effective cybersecurity strategy. If a cybersecurity solution costs too much, however, its additions to profitability can be minimal. Cybersecurity needs a platform that can work for different organizations, both in structure and pricing.

Finding the Right Solution

Thankfully, new platforms are being developed that can work with businesses of all needs and sizes. For example, IT specialist IBEX offers clients Verizon’s Network Detection and Response, a cloud-delivered security platform that allows you to detect and explore problems across your system in near-real time. The software gives businesses a visual tool for understanding and solving cybersecurity threats before — and during — a problem. 

Netwrix, an information security company, offers data classification software designed to help categorize data to make it easier to access while minimizing the risk of a breach. The software also allows for trustworthy automation of data-related routines.

Businesses need security solutions that scale appropriately; ever-fluctuating business cycles can make it difficult to sign on with platforms that are too rigid. Looking into different solutions is necessary to keep your data secure. 

Securing More Than Ever

While it’s crucial to have your business’s operations fully locked down, both companies and individuals need to have their digital periphery secured as well. Wi-Fi, emails, messages, data transfer — with anything your business does, you should look into ways to lock it down.

Companies like Plume are looking toward artificial intelligence to develop new forms of adaptive wifi, or Wi-Fi that can respond to changes in usage in real time. By closely tracking how the Wi-Fi is being employed and where threats are coming from, adaptive wifi allows companies and workers alike to be assured that their network stays secure

Both Gmail and Microsoft Outlook have email encryption built into their platforms; if you keep your accounts password-protected, the odds of leaks are rare. Still, services like Tutanota are designed to keep email communication as secure as possible while steering clear of bigger organizations — ones that could be targets for large-scale attack. For instant messaging, platforms like WhatsApp remain the gold standard for sending messages safely. 

More apparent to businesses than ever is the need for secure video communications. Platforms like Highfive and Zoom are growing at ever-increasing rates, but user knowledge about security might lag behind. Video conferences should be password-protected, and links should only be shared over fully secure communication channels. The video boom will likely reveal to consumers which platforms are the safest and most secure — but it may take some time to know for sure. 

It’s essential for businesses to invest in cybersecurity as soon as possible; the shift to digital is happening too quickly to ignore. To stay ahead of the curve, find solutions that secure each aspect of your business’s operations — your profit margin will thank you later.



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