How To Build Resilience And Adjust To Our New Normal With Greater Clarity, Motivation, And Wellbeing

The term the “new normal” was coined after the 2008 Financial Crisis to describe a situation in which what was previously abnormal suddenly becomes commonplace. The new normal is frequently used to describe the realities of life and work under the COVID-19 pandemic. But are we talking about a temporary new normal that will fade into history once society and the economy reopen? Or a more lasting new normal?

The truth is, we do not know for sure. Uncertainty rules the day. And in uncertain times, when so much is beyond our control, we have to return to the basics, to what we can control. Essential best practices are what I have been coaching my executive clients, all of whom are struggling in various ways to find clarity in their decision-making, to maintain motivation while sheltering in place, and to tend consistently to their wellbeing.

We may not be able to control our circumstances, but we do control our daily habits, choices, and mindset. When the world is upside-down, return to these seven fundamental basics to keep stress at bay and build resilience. Each has a proven track record of helping us weather tough times and find opportunity amid challenge.

1.    Movement

There is no quicker way to hit the reset button and restore focus and clarity than to get your body moving. Exercise has the double bonus of reducing the body’s stress hormones, while elevating the endorphins that mitigate stress and regulate mood and a sense of wellbeing. Critically, it also boosts our immunity.

We may be deprived of our regular gym or favorite yoga class and feel our options are limited to a daily walk (which is a great place to start, especially if you combine it with mindfulness), run, bike ride, or an at-home virtual workout. Embrace your lockdown limitations as a chance to get creative.

I ordered a set of adjustable Bowflex weights at the onset of the pandemic and am still waiting to receive them. In the meantime, I made makeshift weights by filling a backpack with 20-30 pounds of rice and beans. For high-intensity workouts, I join my husband and do a partner CrossFit WOD (workout of the day), which makes working out more fun and motivating. On alternate days, I either go for a walk (weather permitting) or do a virtual barre or yoga class.

Isolation can make it harder to maintain an exercise routine, especially if (like me) you are not as motivated to work out at home. Create challenges with a partner (virtually if you live alone). My husband and I do weekly plank challenges—I am up to 10 minutes. Holding a plank is great for your core strength and posture, and requires no equipment. There are countless fitness apps ranging from 5-60-minute workouts. Remember, some daily movement is better than none.

2.    Mindful eating

There has been a resurgence of interest in comfort foods, which is certainly understandable in these stressful times. However, the danger of living and working at home with 24/7 access to our refrigerators is that we may lapse into stress eating, in the form of all-day grazing or binge eating.

Avoid bogging yourself down with excess sugar and highly processed foods that will make you feel clouded and heavy. Eat clean for your waistline and clarity of mind. Pay attention to which foods give you energy and make you feel light and good vs. those that deplete your energy and make you feel heavy and lethargic. Indulgent foods may provide immediate emotional comfort, but it is minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods that will help you sustain productive energy and a positive mood in the long run.

Make eating a mindful activity, something done at a table, and with others if possible. Eating while watching TV or working at your desk is a recipe for impulsive mindless consumption.

Hydrating often is a key to staying on a healthy track. Oftentimes we eat because we are bored or thirsty. If you drink lots of water by keeping a large glass at your desk and refilling it throughout the day, you are less likely to graze or binge.

Do not hoard food. It puts an unnecessary strain on grocery stores, and on your willpower and waistline.

3.    Sleep

A good night’s sleep is a cornerstone of wellbeing at any time. During a global health crisis, it becomes even more critical—but unfortunately, healthy sleep habits are often the first casualty of stressful and uncertain times.

Restorative sleep—at least 7-8 hours a night—serves to reboot and recharge our body and mind so that we can stay healthy and function at our best. Stress takes a toll on deep, restful sleep, which means we need to double-down on the habits that foster healthy sleep: avoiding late meals, minimizing evening screen time, and maintaining regular exercise.

While stress often disrupts sleep habits, a good night’s sleep goes a long way towards mitigating and easing stress. Restorative sleep supports our immune system and is essential in regulating mood, improving brain function, and an overall sense of wellbeing.

As with all of these practices, get creative and give yourself the extra help you need. Make use of the many apps that provide white noise, binaural sleep beats, or meditative tracks.

4.    Meditation

We associate meditation with a peace of mind that may seem unattainable under current circumstances. However, it is precisely during unsettling times that we most need a meditation practice to bring us clarity and peace. Meditation may seem mysterious and esoteric to those who do not practice it, but it is just a pause in our day, a way to remain grounded, focused, and calm. It can be a seated, walking, or moving meditation, whatever suits you best.

Meditation quickly takes us out of what psychologists call rumination—playing the same thought in our head, over and over, like a tape loop. Rumination is a vicious cycle that generates stress and anxiety, and is also a symptom of stress. Meditation breaks that cycle by returning us to the present moment.

With clients new to meditation, I encourage them to begin with two minutes a day—sitting still and focusing on their breath. Anyone and everyone can spare two minutes for their peace of mind and wellbeing. Even a modest practice like this can produce powerful effects. The key is to start small (and gradually increase the duration) and be consistent, picking the same time and location each day. Make it a habit, just like brushing your teeth.

5.    Meaningful connection

Physical distancing does not have to mean emotional distancing. If isolation and sheltering at home is depriving you of the activities that typically keep you connected with others, get creative. Combine exercise and socializing by scheduling a call with a friend or family member during your daily walk. Set up standing Zoom calls on your calendar to make connecting a regular part of your routine. I have incorporated a standing Sunday Funday Zoom gathering with friends from across different time zones.

Embrace the new normal as a reason to reach out to friends, classmates, and co-workers you have lost touch with. They likely have the same urge to reconnect.

Make a special effort to check in with those who may be sheltering in place alone, or who might be struggling with depression. Being of service to others is a win-for-all. It not only helps them, but it also takes our mind off our own troubles and provides an immediate boost in emotional wellbeing. Offer support by listening with presence, acceptance, and compassion.

6.    Gratitude

While we may find ourselves feeling frustrated and anxious with the limitations and challenges of living under a shelter-in-place, remember that having shelter and other basics of survival is a privilege not everyone shares. Furthermore, to keep perspective, we are not amidst war or famine. We are in this together in the safety of our homes. Taking a moment each day to be mindful of our blessings is a proven powerful practice that triggers a positive mindset and generates a sense of wellbeing.

Worldwide, people have banded together to demonstrate their gratitude for health care workers as they end their shifts. If you are not already doing this, take a moment each night (each city has a coordinated designated time) to pause, open a window or step outside to make some noise—clap, bang on pots, cheer­­— for a couple of minutes to applaud all health care workers and essential workers for their service. This collective form of gratitude creates community and a shared connection with something bigger than ourselves.

That same spirit of gratitude can find expression around the dinner table with friends and family, within a broader community, or as a solitary practice in a journal. A daily gratitude practice rewires our brain, making us healthier and happier.

7.    Purpose

Turbulent times are an opportunity to build resilience and evolve. Understandably, a crisis can send us into survival mode. With our professional life and perhaps the health of our company up in the air, we focus on just getting by and forget to attend to our hopes and dreams. If we approach it with the right mindset, however, crisis is an opportunity to remind ourselves of what matters most, to return to our highest aspirations.

On a grand scale, a global crisis has the power to break down barriers and show us how fundamentally interconnected (and interdependent) humanity is. We have all been impacted and share the common goals to stay safe, stay healthy, and save lives. A renewed sense of connection and a common destiny can drive new inspiration and purpose.

On a much more modest scale, we can take this opportunity to revisit an old hobby, or discover a new skill. It may be a cliché, but when one door closes, another door opens. Crisis brings out the best in humanity, and it can bring out the best in us.

In times of uncertainty, the only certainties are the ones close at hand: how we structure and go about our days, whom we choose to connect with, how we choose to be useful to others and the world. By leaning on proven habits and mindsets, we can stay on track and continue to be impactful while also tending to our wellbeing. We can build strength and resilience while positioning ourselves to hit the ground running whenever the new normal enters its next phase.

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