Home Business Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump Fundraiser And Donald Trump Jr.’s Girlfriend, Tests Positive For...

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump Fundraiser And Donald Trump Jr.’s Girlfriend, Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump Fundraiser And Donald Trump Jr.’s Girlfriend, Tests Positive For Coronavirus


Kimberly Guilfoyle, a top Trump fundraiser who is dating the president’s eldest son, tested positive for the coronavirus before Trump’s July 4 rally in South Dakota, the campaign said, making her the closest person to Trump’s family to get sick.


Guilfoyle is not experiencing symptoms, immediately isolated and did not attend Friday’s Fourth of July event at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.

Donald Trump Jr. tested negative, but is also self-isolating and canceling public events.

The couple did not fly on Air Force One, the New York Times reported, and did not meet the president after they landed in South Dakota.

Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and those who are in close contact with them are now tested regularly for the coronavirus—and so far Pence’s press secretary and a personal valet who served the president have tested positive.

Guilfoyle is a former Fox News host and is now leading a joint fundraising effort between the Trump reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee.

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After testing positive, Kimberly was immediately isolated to limit any exposure. She’s doing well, and will be retested to ensure the diagnosis is correct since she’s asymptomatic but as a precaution will cancel all upcoming events. Donald Trump Jr was tested negative, but as a precaution is also self isolating and is canceling all public events,” the Trump Victory Finance committee said in a statement.

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The Mount Rushmore event was limited to 7,500 people in an attempt to cut down the crowd size, but according to a White House pool report, an estimated 3,700 people attended. People were standing shoulder to shoulder and the majority of the crowd wasn’t wearing masks, the report said. Trump also faces backlash for a rally last month in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where eight staff members tested positive for the virus and dozens of Secret Service agents were told to self-quarantine after being exposed to around 6,200 people inside the stadium.


National Parks staff who prepared for the Mount Rushmore rally were not required to wear masks or undergo testing, Forbes reported.

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