Home Business Macy’s Weeklong Fireworks Displays Combine Celebration With Criticism

Macy’s Weeklong Fireworks Displays Combine Celebration With Criticism

Macy’s Weeklong Fireworks Displays Combine Celebration With Criticism

It certainly isn’t your typical Independence Day. Most large communities throughout the country have cancelled their July 4 fireworks celebrations. However, New York’s annual Macy’s Fireworks presentation has remained on schedule for 2020, but not without changes and controversies.

As new coronavirus cases continue to surge, health officials urge the public to avoid crowds and maintain physical distancing, especially during this holiday weekend. Since March, New York City has seen over 22,600 deaths related to COVID-19. The city has cancelled events from the New York Marathon to the 50th annual NYC Pride March.

One month into New York’s quarantine, Mayor Bill de Blasio surprised residents and announced that the city’s annual Macy’s 4th of July would go forward for 2020. Mayor de Blasio stated, “This is a celebration that we cannot miss; this is a celebration that has to happen.” De Blasio said that he had been in touch with Macy’s and “their spirit was come hell or high water we’re going to do this [event].” The Mayor praised Macy’s and cited the department store’s special connection with the city. He also stressed that New York would do this “the right way and the safe way.”

The mayor’s announcement was met with criticism. Macy’s had closed all of its nationwide locations nationwide on March 18 and furloughed approximately 125,000 employees. The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union/UFCW Local 1-S chastised the decision. On April 23, the RWDSU released a statement that read, “Macy’s should not be spending millions on fireworks displays while its own workforce is out of work.” A contract between the RWDSU and Macy’s expired on May 1 but was later extended to June 30. Three days ago, both sides reached a tentative agreement.

The first Macy’s fireworks presentation was held on July 1, 1958, as part of the department store’s centennial celebration. Since the end of the sixties, the traditional program has always occurred on July 4.

Macy’s and the mayor’s office devised a fireworks plan for 2020 that was designed to enforce and encourage social distancing and discourage crowds. Over the course of one week, all five New York City boroughs would each have its own short 5 minute display that would occur sometime between 9 and 11pm. In order to discourage large gatherings, the exact times and locations of the displays would not be announced in advance.

“We [have] spent the last few weeks reimagining our creative and operational playbook to safely bring the show to our friends and neighbors across the five boroughs of New York City, says Orlando Veras, Macy’s National Media Relations Director. “It is our hope that by looking up and experiencing a little magic in the sky, we are giving our fellow New Yorkers and America, a moment to celebrate together during this difficult time.”

Many cities, especially New York, have experienced an extreme increase of illegal fireworks activity in recent weeks. During the first half of June, the city received 1737 complaints, an 80-fold increase over the same period last year. After months of quarantine, widespread infections, and recent protests, many rattled residents voiced angry concerns to elected officials and over social media.

District 7 Council Person Mark D. Levine recently tweeted that the fireworks displays were a “waste of dollars that Macy’s should be putting toward its workers…Now is not the moment for this national corporate branding excursive.”

Three days ago, Macy’s released a quarterly statement, ending on May 2, that showed sales were down 45%, largely due to COVID-19. Macy’s reported that its flagship and urban locations were recovering more slowly than its suburban counterparts. Macy’s reports strong online sales figures and that some of its most profitable locations are performing ahead of expectation. However, the company anticipates future store closures on top of the 125 revealed earlier in the year. And just last Thursday, Macy’s announced the elimination of 3900 administrative jobs at its New York headquarters, amounting to 25% of its corporate workforce.

This past Monday, Macy’s began its weeklong fireworks celebrations with a display near Long Island City. Tuesday’s program was held near the northern edge of Staten Island followed by Times Square on Wednesday. Thursday’s display was held atop the Bronx Borough Hall but no Friday presentation was reported.

As expected, residents took to social media to voice appreciation and condemnation of the exhibitions. Comments have included “We. Do. Not. Want. Anymore. Fireworks,” “We have nothing to celebrate at all. Too much to fix right now,” “I’ve had enough fireworks,” “Bless Macy’s for providing fireworks,” and “Absolutely spectacular.”

Macy’s commitment to this year’s week-long 4th of July Fireworks festivities is largely well-intentioned. The annual program is an American tradition. ”Macy’s is at the center of celebration, and our Fireworks, much like the Parade, are one of the ways that we help Americans celebrate the milestones in their lives,” says Veras. 

The weeklong events culminate with a special July 4 program, televised from atop the Empire State Building. Guest artists, including John Legend, Tim McGraw, and the Black Eyed Peas, will feature “a mix of pop and patriotic anthems celebrating New York City’s resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The show will end with yet another short fireworks display.



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