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NBA Is Facing A Luxury Tax Problem – Should The Amnesty Clause Return?

NBA Is Facing A Luxury Tax Problem – Should The Amnesty Clause Return?

If the coronavirus epidemic wasn’t enough of a hurdle for NBA teams, the added burden of not knowing how the 2020/2021 salary cap will shake out, is enough to pull out hairs.

While the NBA and the players union, the NBPA, are working towards finding a resolution that will allow teams to work under a salary cap that isn’t too far removed from the current active one, set at $109.1 million, it seems inevitable that the cap will ultimately suffer some consequences of the financial hit taken by the league over the past few months. 

A lowered cap could have dramatic consequences for teams with high payrolls, especially those in luxury tax territory. 

Luxury tax is a bit of a strange and dynamic beast, so let’s walk through it quickly.

For teams over the tax limit – set this season at $132.6 million – the penalty comes in different tiers. So depending on how much over the tax line a team is, it may fall into several different penalties.

For a team over the tax limit between $1 and up to $4,999,999 the penalty is $1.50 per dollar over. So if a team is $1 million over the tax line, they will have to pay $1.5 million in luxury tax.

The incremental maximum (the most a team can pay in tax) is $7,499,999, or basically $7.5 million, in that first tier.

Then comes the second tier, ranging from $5,000,000 to $9,999,999. The penalty in that segment is $1.75 per $1 over. The incremental maximum for the second tier is $8.75 million.

For teams above $10,000,000 and up to $14,999,999, the penalty increases to $2.50 per $1 over. Incremental maximum for the third tier is $12.5 million.

From there, via $5 million intervals, the per dollar penalty increases to $3.25 and $3.75 and finally an additional $0.50 is added for every $5 million a team goes over the cap, after having exceeded the $20 million tax line.

Assuming a team is exactly $14,999,999 above the luxury tax threshold, their full tax bill will come out at $28.75 million. That’s achieved by adding the individual incremental maximums together.

Those penalties are steep, and a lowered cap could force teams currently under the luxury tax threshold to unwillingly pass it, or force teams already above the tax into a new tier they weren’t expecting to be in.

The Houston Rockets are looking at a salary hit of approximately $130.4 million next season, which would check in just $2.2 million or so below the threshold, assuming we apply this year’s luxury tax threshold to next year’s salary hit.

If the cap, and thus the threshold, were to drop down, it could force the Rockets into paying the tax. Should the tax threshold drop by more than $7.2 million, Houston would not only find themselves paying the tax – they would be in the second tier.

For a team like Philadelphia, which is projected to have a cap hit of $147 million, which is roughly $15 million above this year’s tax line, a significant drop in the tax threshold could quickly inflate their tax payment even more and put them into the fourth tier of the penalty system.

Make no mistake, these are nightmare scenarios for NBA owners and executives.

However, there are options that could help teams shave off dollars from their cap, chief among them being the amnesty clause.

In 2005, the NBA introduced this one-off, get-out-of-jail free card to all NBA teams. This allowed all franchises to remove the cap hold of a player, who was overpaid or simply didn’t deliver on his contract.

Among the players amnestied in 2005 were Michael Finley, Reggie Miller, Alonzo Mourning and Vin Baker. By amnestying Finley, the highest-paid player in that group, the Dallas Mavericks were able to shave off over $14.6 million from their cap sheet.

The amnesty clause doesn’t prevent teams from having to pay the player’s contract. The contract will still be honored. It solely removes the player’s cap hold and cleans up a team’s books.

The clause was re-introduced after the renewed CBA in 2011. Carlos Boozer, Brandon Roy, Drew Gooden and Luis Scola were among the casualties.

With everything currently up the air, implementing a new round of amnesty provisions would be one way of helping NBA teams clear money off their cap. There isn’t a mandate to activate the clause, so teams who feel financially secure won’t have to exercise it if they don’t want to. It’s a tool which teams can use, if they deem it necessary.

For Philadelphia, a likely victim would be Al Horford, who signed a four-year contract last summer worth $109 million. This year, he struggled finding his role with the Sixers, and if the club is looking at a steep luxury tax bill as outlined above, having the option to remove Horford from their books could be considered an asset for them.

Similar with the Rockets, who could also find themselves in luxury tax territory, having the option of releasing Eric Gordon’s remaining $54.6 million might be attractive to owner Tilman Fertitta.

Inserting an amnesty clause shouldn’t get too much pushback from the NBPA given that each released player would still get paid his contract, and wouldn’t sacrifice anything monetarily.

Of course, there is also the option of starting over from scratch and re-working the luxury tax system for next season. If the NBA is to implement an arbitrary salary cap to keep teams afloat, why not take it one step further and implement an arbitrary luxury tax threshold for 2020/2021?

Some teams will object to giving tax-teams a hand-out like this, given that non-tax teams profit from other teams being in the tax. The amount generated by tax-teams is distributed to non-tax teams, so a decline in luxury tax payment would also mean a smaller slice of the pie for teams predominantly located in smaller markets.

Eventually, something’s got to give, and teams will have to sacrifice one way or the other, if they’re close or over the tax threshold. Outside of Atlanta, Detroit and teams with oodles of cap space in 2020, no one is coming out of this painfree.



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