Home Business Should The KC-46 Tanker Have Been A Fixed Price Development Program? Maybe...

Should The KC-46 Tanker Have Been A Fixed Price Development Program? Maybe Not.


For years I have been of the opinion the KC-46 Tanker is a textbook case for fixed price development.  Now, I’m not so sure.

The Air Force recently reported that yet another problem, a Category 1 deficiency involving fuel leaks has emerged.  For about a decade, Boeing has been absorbing losses on the KC-46. Those losses now exceed $3 billion. Under a fixed price development contract, Boeing has been responsible for any cost overruns associated with delivering airplanes that meet all the contractual performance requirements established when the contract was first awarded – in 2010. On its surface, designing and building a tanker variant of a commercial transport would not seem to be all that high risk. Boeing started with a proven commercial design and has built tankers before, although not recently.  From the outset, however, the program has encountered problems. It may be time to reconsider fixed price development, even in cases like this.

In general, I’ve never been a fan of fixed price development. My experience with fixed price development contracts goes back to the late 80s and early 90s. In the 80s, the Department of Defense, principally the Navy, embarked on a series of fixed price development contracts that were uniformly disasters. They included the infamous A-12 carrier-based strike aircraft, the T-28 Navy Trainer, the Active Self Protection Jammer (ASPJ) electronic warfare system, and the C-17 transport. Some of these programs were terminated during development and some made it to production and were ultimately successful, but all struggled to get through development and were a nightmare to manage. In the early 90s, I had the job of helping my boss at the time, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Don Yockey, clean up the messes that the fixed price development acquisition fad had created. Fixed price development contracts were intended to put pressure on industry to perform by forcing industry to absorb the costs of any overruns. The problem with these contracts was that they transferred more risk to industry than industry could realistically absorb, and they took away the government’s freedom to supervise the contractor or intervene. They were also based on the false assumption that lack of motivation was the principal reason for cost overruns. If only it were that simple.

As Defense Acquisition Executive, I wrote an essay for the workforce that provided five guidelines to consider before utilizing fixed price development. (Available on page 104 of my book – downloadable for free here.) Briefly, they were low technical risk, firm requirements, experienced and well qualified bidders, contractor capacity to absorb potential losses, and contractor business case to absorb potential losses. The KC-46 tanker has always seemed like a poster child for implementing this guidance and adopting fixed price development when those conditions are met. A tanker shouldn’t be a high-risk endeavor; similar systems have been in use for decades and performed well. No leap in performance was expected. There was no reason to expect the performance requirements would change. The two bidders at the time of the competition had very relevant engineering and production capability and experience. Both bidders were also well capitalized to absorb potential losses in development. Because of the firm production requirements for the Air Force and the potential international market, there was a strong business case for getting through development and into production.  None of these factors has changed, although as Boeing’s losses have mounted the business case has eroded significantly. Keeping in mind that sunk costs are irrelevant to current decisions, that business case should still be strong.

At first blush, my original views would seem to still be correct. Boeing has continued to perform and has accepted very high losses. The question that I think is worth asking now, however, is: did the fixed price approach actually cause some of the problems that are still emerging? If this was the case the next question to ask is: was this in the interest of the government. The onus was on the contractor to get it right of course, but the human tendency is to err on the side of hoping for the best and gambling that things will work out. Extra cost and time for risk reduction are not attractive when any costs will come out of the company’s profit margin and corporate management is heavily focused on schedule performance.  I can’t say for certain that this happened with the KC-46, but I do know that some of the errors – wiring harnesses of the wrong length, using the wrong fluid in a crucial test, acuity and depth plane compression problems with the refueling operators remote vision system, and now fuel leaks – might have been avoided with the willingness to spend a little more time and money during development. The old adage; “no time or money to get it right the first time, but plenty to fix it later” might just apply.

During my tenure (and since), the Air Force, with my strong encouragement if not outright direction, was very careful to meet its commitments under the contract, hold the requirements constant, and give no direction to the contractor as to how to perform. Any change or interference would have “broken” the contract and at least have led to claims for consideration for the contractor due to government directed changes. In the extreme a complete repricing might have been required. Contrast this “hands off” approach under fixed-price development to the environment under a cost-plus contract.  In the latter case, the government is bearing most of the risk of development overruns, but it also can direct the contractor to take prudent risk reduction steps and potentially avoid costly mistakes.

So far Boeing has absorbed all of the cost overruns on the KC-46. Any contractor in another similar situation might not be this cooperative. The other two options a contractor facing huge overruns could chose would be to file claims against the government, seek a bailout, or to simply stop performance and try to negotiate or litigate any compensation due the government. In the A-12 case the first two options were invoked leading to over 20 years of litigation. At the end of the day, the government always bears the risks associated with delivery of the final product. That risk cannot be transferred. In this case, my expectation is that the Air Force will get the product it contracted for, but it’s worth asking whether the path to that product has been in anybody’s interest relative to the alternatives. There have been significant schedule delays in the delivery of the KC-46, and there are both operational and real costs associated with those delays. The balance sheet isn’t all on one side.

The government cannot play the constructive role I’ve described above effectively unless it has the technical expertise and strong leadership needed to provide sound direction to the contractor. I have always believed that strong government program managers and program offices are in everybody’s interest and are the key to successful development programs, along with support from the chain of command. Would this approach have led to better results on the KC-46? There is no way to be certain, but it is worth considering and analyzing the possibility before embarking on another major fixed price development program.




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