Home Entertainment April Fools Pranks for Roommates When Stuck at Home

April Fools Pranks for Roommates When Stuck at Home

April Fools Pranks for Roommates When Stuck at Home


Want to pull the best prank on your roommate for April Fools’ Day? Look no further.

Depending on the type of relationship you have with your roommate, it might be the perfect time to pull a great April Fools prank on them. With COVID-19 keeping most Americans inside, people who cohabitate have been seeing a lot of each other. One way to bring a moment of levity could be to play an unforgettable April Fools Day prank.

We’ve compiled some deceitful tricks that hopefully arent too mean. Check them out below for some inspiration.

Make Mayonaise Cupcakes

If you and your roommate have a good relationship, it’s probably because your respectful of each other’s food. For April Fools’ Day, you can pull the ultimate prank by eating their favorite gluten-free snack or those leftovers they’ve really been looking to eat. Either try to playfully hide the “evidence” so it looks like you tried to cover it up, or “confess” the next day. It’s kinda-of like a riff on Jimmy Kimmel’s Halloween candy trick—where the parents tell their kids they ate all they hard-earned treats overnight—except with adults.

You can also trick them by spoiling their favorite food. If they’re a sushi lover, you can try to carefully open the roll and fill it with as much wasabi as possible. That will certainly give them a shock when they bite into the roll. Another trick is to take out all the cream from Oreos and then fill them with toothpaste. A little bit more effort but arguably most disgusting, you can bake vanilla cupcakes and then “ice” them with mayonnaise.

If your roommate loves orange juice, you can empty out the real OJ and then make your own concoction. If you mix a macaroni and cheese package with the right amount of water, it’ll look just like orange juice but it certainly won’t taste like it. Another classic idea is to replace the sugar bowl with salt, so when they go to drink their coffee in the morning, they’ll be in for a real surprise. You can do the same thing with salt, putting sugar in the shaker. Just don’t forget about your own prank.

Hide Their Phone

This could potentially be one of the meanest things you can do to a person. If it’s not mean, it’ll certainly drive them a little crazy. Steal their phone in the middle of the night and then hide it somewhere in your apartment. Your roommate will have no idea where it is. You can play along by helping them call their phone. If you turn the ringer on, they’ll be able to hear it. Try hiding it in the couch or under a mattress, somewhere they’ll be able to hear the phone but not find it.

If you can grab their phone and have access to their passcode, you can play a pretty cruel game by changing all the names in the victim’s contact list. You can use Disney characters, or draw inspiration from shows like Game of Thrones, or the new documentary everyone’s talking about, The Tiger King. Whatever you do, it will probably take the person a long time to figure out the correct contact for everyone in their phone, especially if they’re getting a call from Joe Exotic.

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