Council Post: 10 Steps To Avoid Margin Compression And Eliminate Margin Leakage

Chief Evangelist at Pricefx. Started the U.S. entity. Brand ambassador, keynote speaker, author, pricing expert & podcaster.

Winston Churchill once said, “It is a socialist idea that making profits is a vice. I consider the real vice is making losses.” One of the biggest challenges business leaders face in these extraordinary times is avoiding losses in profitability. Two major threats to maintaining profitability in today’s world are margin compression and margin leakage.

In a recent survey of pricing professionals conducted by my company, 90.3% said that they had “poor visibility into true profit drivers by customer and product,” while 88.4% said they had “slow responses to changes in cost, competition and demand,” and 92.3% said that “price realization varied widely across their sales teams.” The goal of this article is to outline a framework and 10 specific recommendations you can use to address these challenges.

Using A Price And Profit Waterfall

The price and profitability waterfall allows companies to conceptualize and visualize where revenue and margin are being gained or lost for any product, customer or transaction. It requires data from several sources and software that enables the analysis and comparison of waterfalls for different slices of the business. Ideally, you should also use a projected waterfall when looking at customer quotes or contracts going forward to model the projected revenue and profit for the deal you are looking at. Use history combined with a forecast, and compare it to actuals after to see how you are faring against the plan.

Here is a simple example of a price waterfall:

• List Price: The price that shows up in price book or catalog.

On-invoice adjustments include surcharges, sales discounts, volume discounts and promotions.

• Invoice Price: The price that shows in the invoice.

Off-invoice adjustments include rebates, trade promos, etc.

• Net Price: The price including off-invoice incentives.

Cost-to-serve adjustments include freight cost, returns and payment terms.

• Pocket Price: The price including cost-to-serve adjustment — the most useful price point for sales.

Cost-of-goods adjustments include procurement costs or fixed and variable manufacturing costs.

• Pocket Margin: Money left in your pocket.

Margin Compression And Leakage

Margin compression is margin pressure caused by: cost increases that have to be absorbed because you can’t pass them along to customers dynamically enough; competition or other market forces that apply pressure to your pricing; and a lack of visibility to these drivers in real time and business agility to account for them and make needed adjustments.

Margin leakage also reduces margin, but rather than being driven by cost increases or market forces, leakage occurs when concessions are made, which reduces profits without giving visibility into all of the factors that influence profitability or the full pricing and profit waterfall.

Margin leakage can come in many forms, including promotions, discounts and other price concessions, off-invoice incentives and trade promotions, and costs to serve.

Four Steps To Avoid Margin Compression

To avoid or reduce margin compression in your business, follow these four steps:

1. Structure prices or contracts in a manner that allows you to adjust for increased or decreased costs or other market factors. Usually, this requires you to also pass along cost decreases to be fair to your customers in the spirit of partnership.

2. If this structure of contracts or pricing is not possible in your industry, surcharges can be used to temporarily increase prices in response to short-lived or more dynamic scenarios.

3. Set up your data flows, processes and systems to allow for automated recalculation of pricing with flows into the downstream transactional systems like enterprise resource planning (ERP) and digital commerce platforms.

4. Ease into this. It’s a tough time, but pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions and cost increases provide opportunities to introduce the concept to customers.

Six Steps To Avoid Margin Leakage

To avoid margin leakage, follow these six steps:

1. Use price waterfalls to analyze profitability drivers for your products, customers and transactions. Also, use them in the negotiation process.

2. Embed this insight into the lead-to-order process, integrated with ERP and customer relationship management systems.

3. Provide informed pricing and/or profit guidance to sales to use in negotiations.

4. Eliminate customer service’s ability to override pricing in the ERP system without approval.

5. Measure volume and revenue commitment compliance against contracts, and use this data in future negotiations. Are they holding up to what they said? Are they cherry-picking the best prices and not buying the ones you thought you would make your profit from? This kind of behavior can cause actual outcomes to vary widely from what you modeled in your negotiations.

6. Use rebates for volume incentives to avoid the overpromise, underdeliver scenario that many vendors face when negotiating with their customers. Rebates are a best practice but are difficult to manage without a platform that enables them to be set up, accrued for and claimed against in an automated manner. Without such a platform, rebates require a lot of manual intervention and risk assumption (which I’ll cover in a future article) by the finance organization, which is why they are not more widely used.

A Key Takeaway

Rick Warren is often quoted saying, “Irrelevance happens when the speed of change outside an organization is greater than speed of change inside an organization.”

Avoiding irrelevance, then, requires business agility, and especially pricing and profit agility. This can help not only avoid irrelevance but power profitable growth by avoiding margin compression and margin leakage. To enable this type of agility requires the people, processes and systems that can automate processes to the degree needed to quickly respond to changes in costs, competition or other market conditions. Digital transformation is a vital step in enabling companies with the business agility required to compete now and into the future and avoiding the vice of losing money in business.

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