Council Post: How To Navigate This New Chapter And Shift To Conscious Influencer Marketing

The world has suddenly found itself facing a new culture, a new work environment and a new way of life as we know it.

This unprecedented time has caused marketing experts, publicists and event planners to instantly adjust. Mindsets had to change completely, with a new frontier upon us in the blink of an eye: a forced shift in our ways of thinking, client approach, measures of success and desired results.

Our previous goals were instantly abandoned, and we have been forced to tap into our creativity, analyzation skills and know-how to pivot though processes and client guidance, as well as brainstorm new ways of cultivating new business and supporting current business.

Below is a quick eight-step thought analysis guide to help you assess a brand in order to reexamine and pivot.

  1. What is the client’s mission?
  2. What makes their product offering or service unique and relevant during this global pandemic?
  3. What voice do they want to have right now in the consumer space, the media space and overall as a brand?
  4. What emotions does the brand want to represent and awaken in their messaging and consumer approach?
  5. How can this brand/client show its consideration for the current economic climate while still working to profit and achieve success?
  6. What does this client consider success right now?
  7. How am I, as their expert advisor, going to guide them to achieve their new scope of success, while showing consideration for the current economic climate and portraying proper messaging on their behalf?
  8. Am I representing their best interests and speaking in their desired voice? How do I, as their catalyst, secure their new desired results?

Once this is all examined and considered, you will have a handle on the scenario and can devise a carefully thought-out plan of action. There is no wrong path, but success will result from careful planning and tactical response, rather than reacting before all elements are considered in the equation. You must also allow room for trial and error, keeping in mind some clients will be more forgiving than others during this high-pressure time.

Also, keep in mind that your direct client contacts, if not dealing with the CEO, usually have a superior to report back to, so, whatever program is implemented, it is important to communicate clear goals and objectives for the new directive so everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goals for the brand, with the understanding of the new landscape.

With this evolving landscape, as a thought leader and entrepreneur, I have also been searching for ways to expand our business scope and adjust to the new playing field. There is a surging motivation for new ideas, inventive processes and creative thinking.

As far as motivation is concerned, consciousness is an important element that everyone should be incorporating into all campaigns, initiatives and deliverables. It would be morally inconsiderate for a brand to not make some effort to give back, even in the smallest way. If a monetary donation is not an option for a brand, product donations are more than welcome by various nonprofit organizations. There is always a way to find a creative angle to tie in a nonprofit, from focused giveaways to percentages of sales to fundraising.

For example, if a brand is considering launching a social media-concentrated influencer campaign, suggest to your client that a charitable organization be tied in. Whether they are able to match a donation for each post, donate products to the organization or donate a sales percentage, anything makes a difference right now, and any organization would be grateful for the gift of donation. To the influencer, it also shows the brand is making an effort to give back to the world and help those in need. It is important that both the consumer and the influencer see the brand wants to do good in addition to securing sales and revenue.

I strongly believe that conscious marketing, inclusive of influencer marketing, is the new norm and should be an automatic thought for any brand and company. Abundance grows from thoughts of abundance and actions toward abundance.

With so many organizations across all sectors, it is also important to partner with one that represents the brand’s messaging, morals and beliefs, and one that organically makes sense to align with. Staying authentic is also very important because consumers and influencers will see right through insincerity. Start by asking your clients what organizations they have in mind, while also suggesting some that you feel properly embody their brand and vision.

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