Home Entertainment April Fools Pranks for Parents to Play on Their Kids 2020

April Fools Pranks for Parents to Play on Their Kids 2020

April Fools Pranks for Parents to Play on Their Kids 2020


Trick your kids with these playful pranks for April Fools’ Day 2020.

After being quarantined with their kids, some parents might be looking for a little levity by participating in April Fools’ Day this year. For moms and dads who want to get back at their kids, or just have a little fun, we’ve compiled some funny tricks.

We listed a bunch of silly ideas. Check them out below:

The Poop Prank

What kid doesn’t love poop jokes? Well, they probably won’t like this one. The poop prank can be mean depending on how young and gullible you’re children are, but if you’re willing to take a chance on this one you’ll be joining a new trend.

With parents being stuck inside with their kids during COVID-19, they’ve come up with a brilliant way to prank their kids. For the poop prank, all you need is two things: toilet paper—something that in some cases in hard to come by during the pandemic—and something to represent feces.

You can use Nutella, melted chocolate or chocolate pudding. The idea is to put the chocolate on your hand, leave the TP in the middle of the bathroom and then ask for your kid to grab it for you. When they do, you “accidentally” smear some chocolate on their hands.

Kids are having a wide range of reactions. Some are disgusted, others think it’s hilarious and some are really sweet, saying “accidents happen.”

If you do this prank, you’ll probably want to get it on camera, though that might give you away. Try recording secretly so your kids don’t suspect anything.

 Tricks With Food

One of the most popular pranks to play on kids, courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel, is to pretend to eat all their Halloween candy. Who says you can’t repurpose this trick for April Fools’ Day? If there’s a stash of candy or chocolate you have, you can pretend you stress ate it in the night. Or maybe there’s another snack that’s their favorite and you can pretend that’s gone too. Depending on your children’s food preferences, the possibilities are plentiful.

If your kids like to drink out of straws, you can leave straws in Jell-O overnight. When they go to drink their morning juice or milk, they’ll probably be really confused when the straw doesn’t work.

If you want something a little more devious, you can trick them by making a usually delicious snack taste bad. You can try putting white toothpaste in between Oreos, making fake orange juice by mixing a macaroni and cheese package with water, or you can make vanilla cupcakes and “ice” them with mayonnaise instead of vanilla icing.

Playful Pranks

A simple deception is the pickle in the toilet trick. All you have to do is put a pickle in the toilet and tell your kids that your poop came out green. They’ll probably be shocked and mystified at the same time. The only problem is having to fish out the pickle once the trick is over.

You can also give them a fake tattoo. If your kids are heavy sleepers, you can put a fake tattoo on them in the middle of the night and then pretend you didn’t know how it got there. Once they’ve reached utter confusion, you can let them know they’ve been pranked.

Usually, daughters are the ones telling their mothers that they’re pregnant, but what if mom decides to pull that trick on her kids? This prank is especially good for mothers of teenage kids or older. The more people who are in the trick the better.

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